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photography in Louvre

Have new rules been established and is there a no photo of any kind rule in certain galleries of the Louvre?

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11528 posts

We took pictures in the Louvre this past August, it is the flash they will not allow.

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10 posts

I looked on their web site and I think you can use your camera there except for a few restrictions. Rick's book states you can use camera (no flash) also. There's a PDF document for the tourism industry on the Louvre's site that says:
"Regulation for visitors: To make your visit more comfortable, the use of camera is forbidden at the Denon’s Wing – 1st floor (Mona Lisa, Appolo’s Gallery…) and at the Sully’s Wing in front of the Venus de Milo. The use of mobile phones within the museum is also prohibited."

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7209 posts

We attempted to see the Mona Lisa in June 2006 and were met with a roomful of elbow to elbow people. Many people were holding up cameras above their heads and just snapping pictures (flash and no-flash) even though the signs clearly say NO PICTURES. The guards were attempting to enfore the no photography rule for the Mona Lisa, but I think they were just over-powered by all of the mob of people.

Why do tourists want to hold a camera above their heads and just snap pictures blindly of the Mona Lisa? I really couldn't figure it out.

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108 posts

We just got back from France. We were in the Louvre 3 weeks ago, and were able to take photos, as long as we didn't use the flash.

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31 posts

I just returned from Paris last week. In both the Louvre and the Orsay, photos were OK without flash. That included the Mona Lisa though there were plenty of guards there.

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4 posts

I went to the Louve in May and no pictures were allowed of the Mona Lisa. Anyone that even attempted to take a picture was almost immmediately removed from the area. So it kind of sounds like it just depends on what guards are on duty.

PS I was able to take pictures of the Venus De Milo though.

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32419 posts

I was in the Louvre last fall, and found similar rules to those Miranda described. Photos were allowed in most areas, including the Venus di Milo but in the Italian section, NO photos were allowed (espcially the Mona Lisa!). There are lots of guards and CCTV Cameras everywhere, so I wouldn't suggest trying to "sneak" a photo.

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18 posts

Funny, I was at the Louvre two weeks ago and EVERYONE was snapping pictures of the Mona Lisa. Maybe there was just no guards/attendents around at the time?

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28 posts

We just got back from Paris and a visit to the Louvre last week. We were amazed at all of the cameras and picture taking, including flash photography of practically everything. At the Mona Lisa guards were standing by but said nothing.

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7 posts

We were at the Louvre a few days ago and people were taking pictures all over the place. The printed guides provided say that flash photography is prohibited throughout the museum and all photography is prohibited in certain areas (including the entire floor where the Mona Lisa is). This wasn't stopping anyone though and the guards weren't doing anything about it. But, you may enjoy the museum more if you don't take pictures. Many people spend their Louvre visit smiling while facing a camera instead of looking at the art. This was really crazy in the Mona Lisa area where people seemed more interested in proving they were there than in enjoying the experience. Remember, it's very unlikely that you will capture the artwork on film in a way that will be at all satisfying for you later. Anyway, chances are good that someone else has already taken a better picture of the artwork than you ever could and you can look it up on the internet or buy a postcard on your way out. Just enjoy.