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Passion Play Oberammergau 2010

the Passion Play is set for 2010. Anyone going?
Does anyone who has gone before have any tips--such as where to stay, other things to see, and going "on our own' vs on a tour. Is it hard to get tickets? We are thinking of going in late Sept. so that we can take in Octoberfest in Munich too. Any ideas??

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9145 posts

I think tickets are going on sale 1 April and I imagine they go fast.

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12040 posts

You can usually only get tickets as part of a package deal. This is one of those few situations where using a travel agency really is essential.

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19232 posts

The official website of the Passion Play is here. According to the site, tickets go on sale April 20. It looks like you can get tickets through that site.

I think tickets are already available if part of a package.