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Passion Play in Oberammergau Germany

Has anyone attended the Passion Play in Oberammergau? The play began in the 1630's as pledge to God for end of the bubonic plague. The play is performed by the Oberammergau citizens every 10 years. The next showing (41st) is in the summer of 2010 (May to September). I am trying to determine whether it is worth the seeing - so if you know of performance, please comment. Thank you.

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225 posts

I remember watching the RS show about the play, and that the language is German only.

Looks pretty amazing though!

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10344 posts

I was not at the 1990 or 2000 performances, but have seen a couple of TV shows on it. Michelin refers to the play, in their book, as "internationally renowned." I would be surprised if they had any performances in English, maybe someone knows?

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9369 posts

If you want to see a Passion Play in English, here at the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts we have one every year which runs for several weekends before Easter. This year was the 80th consecutive year of production for the American Passion Play. I can't tell you that Bloomington is as picturesque as Oberammergau, but if it's a Passion Play you want, we have a wonderful one here.

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591 posts

Yes, it's done only in the German language. The play is performed indoors in a large theater. Tickets need to be purchased quite early as it's usually sold out. If you don't understand German, it may not be worth sitting through the 6 hour performance.

As a previous post suggests, you may prefer to see a performance closer to home. The one in the Ozarks at Eureka Springs, AR may be the closest one to you. My favorite is the Black Hills Passion Play in Spearfish, SD. The landscape is more like Israel which makes it seem more real.

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15 posts

Jim, I went to the play in 1970! Very interesting, even if you aren't religious. the whole town has a part in the play and most of the buildings in the area are painted. beautiful part of Germany. Wendy Vancouver Canada

Posted by
215 posts

I was in Oberammergau the end of March. It is a
wonderful little town and more than half of the
citizens including about 500 children take part in
the play. In 2010 the play will run in two
segments. Afternoon from 2:30-5:00 then a supper
break followed by a 3 hour peformance to finish the
story. The play is only in German and tickets are
quite expensive, around $300. It will sell out well
in advance and you probably will have to purchase
through a tour to secure a seat.

Posted by
416 posts

I haven't seen the Passion Play, but I have visited Oberammergau and sung the US National Anthem in the theatre where the play is performed (the tour guide from the theatre asked our group to do it to demonstrate the wonderful acoustics this outdoor venue has). Just touring the theatre makes going there worthwhile. It is actually pretty interesting. I still have some little pottery jugs I got in a shop from near there and it has been over 20 years since I went there.

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103 posts

I remember it being a listener question on one of the RS podcasts, but I don't remember which one. The one about Argentina is the one that sticks in my mind the most.

I remember something to the effect of book a tour to get a ticket, but lots of people don't come back after dinner so you can probably 'second-act' it if you'd like.

(search for 'Paris' on; I was researching a trip to Paris when I heard the question)

Posted by
48 posts

Thank you for the comments. Yes, I believe it is all in German. I know that ticket sales without a tour begin January 2009. I have some resources to use for follow up.