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Partial Tentative Itinerary Cont'd # 2

DAY 5 Sun, 75-100 miles: From Blois-area drive to Chambord & spend perhaps an hour on grounds, not inside. To Chenonceau which is probably the chateau that we will tour indoors - besides Versailles Palace; we've yet to see indication of amt of time a tour takes, perhaps because it is self-guided. May leave in early p.m. for Villandry Gardens visit of hour or 2. Then to Saumur area to get a B&B & see some Troglodyte sights.

Day 6, 150 mi: To la Rochelle, maybe Royan, Saintes & nearby Pons: focus is ancesry-connected sites.

Day 7, 225 mi: To Sand Dunes on coast below Bordeaux for some climbing; maybe a Basque-related shopping stop @ Bayonne &/or beach at Biarritz; visit St-Jean-de-Luz church & get B&B there or on Spanish side.

Thank You for the feedback I've already seen to my first post today! And, of course, more is welcome on this & any additional posts that I manage to make.

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12040 posts

The tour of Chenonceau is self-guided, so you can linger as little or as long as you like. The audioguide was one of the more interesting I have encountered in Europe. In addition to the technical details about the architecture and decor, you get some juicy history about the king of France and Catherine de Medicis.

The gardens of Chenonceau are also very impressive and not overly large. Make sure you spend some time walking through them.

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18 posts

I second the recommendations about Chenonceaux and would suggest the consideration of Langeais for an indoor tour. Well-furnished, with a couple of tableaux, focusing, if I remember correctly on the marriage there of Anne of Brittany to the king of France, it's quite interesting inside and out and often omitted from the lists of important Loire sites.