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Parking for the day in Tarifa, Spain

Leaving the car behind and taking a day trip to Tangier from Tarifa this fall. As per the blogs, etc., it seems that breaking into rental cars rivals soccer as the national passtime in southern Spain. I hate to take the chance and leave our luggage in the trunk for 8 hours, but I haven't found any other options. Not staying at a hotel there, so that's not an option. Has anyone out there done this, or does anyone know if there is a secure parking situation or a storage locker facility located near the port?

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2 posts

Well, thanks for two useful bits of info. There's a free lot at the port, and your BMW managed not to attract the wrong attention there. Really appreciate your reply. Happy trails.

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7 posts

My wife and I spent two nights in Tarifa in 2005. We rented a BMW and kept it parked in the free parking lot at the port.

Not to say you won't have issues, but we kept everything hidden from view and made sure we weren't pulling anything in and out of the trunk while we were there. (Just in case anyone was watching.)