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Paris World Exposition Photos - 1900

I found this slideshow and wow, it is so cool. All these photos from 1900. They have been tinted, but still great to look at. Street scenes, country pavillions (Cambodia, Turkey, Dutch Colonies, the US, Russia, Austria, Belgium, Siam, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Tunisia, and Algeria), the Eifel Tower (I like the one night photo of it)and all the palaces built to show off the new-fangled stuff of 1900. Transportation, Mines, Textiles, Decorations, Electricity, Agriculture, Forestry, Sculpture, Marine Navigation. Then there are the photos of famous Paris sites. I just spent the last 2 hours looking at these. Make sure you use the Info button at the top so you know what you are looking at. Especially the street scenes.
Have fun and let me know if you like them. Even for people that may not like Paris?? you might still enjoy this.

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2092 posts

Thanks Jo! I've bookmarked the site since I don't have over 2 hours right now. I love everything about Paris and France--from a visitor's perspective at least. If I lived there, I'd surely find somethings that would be a challenge just like anywhere in the world.

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534 posts

Very cool photos. Is anyone talented enough to tell me if and how I can make that slide show my screen saver. I tried to save it, but I can only save it as a web page or a txt file. Neither works for the screen saver.