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Paris with granddaughters

Staying at the D'Aubusson with granddaughters 12 and 14. Any suggestions? Bike tours sound like a great first day orientation ??

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3313 posts

Actually, Kent, I one time flew into Amsterdam and rented a bike for the day. It was the best cure for jet lag I've ever had. I'm not sure I'd want to wheel out into Paris, though.

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11507 posts

Hi, nice hotel, we stayed right down the street at Le Regent , so the area is nice, and your hotel is on the "quiet " end of street.

The Fat Tire Bike tours are great, I 've done two, but , I do think that as a first day trip I would play that by ear. The Paris by Night tour we took did not require reservations, you just go to the meeting point under ET, so I imagine it is the same for the day tour. You can decide how you feel then , to tour that day or not( and see how weather is) . I am sure the girls will love it, but, if they are drowsy it would not be a good idea to have them weaving through Parisian traffic, now would it, LOL. One must be alert.LOL

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506 posts

I wheel through Paris often and love it. Drivers know how to share the road here. In addition, there are many miles of bike lanes including along the Seine. The bike tours in city central plan a great trip and usually not during peak drive times. I see them often and everyone is smiling.

I recommend Fat Tire Bike Tours -

Another option could be the BateauxBus which is the river taxis
or the Bateaux Mouche which is a river tour. Should the 9 hours time difference take its toll (on the kids of course).

This website - Discover France - has detailed info on Bateaux Mouche - as there are many companies. There are links as well. Some have dinner/lunch included as well. Some can be as inexpensive as 9 Euros per person.