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Paris Winery

Hello Travelers,

I would like to visit a winery in Paris during my stay in early September. Are there any suggestions?

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10344 posts

Okay, I'll admit it, I didn't even know there were any wineries in Paris. Did you see a mention of one someplace, I'd love to know about it? Anybody know about this?

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3313 posts

Paris has one one vineyard - on the slopes of Montmarte. By reputation, it's a fairly nasty wine.

The problem is that Paris lies north and west of France's wine growing regions. That's why Normandy, just beyond, makes apple brandy. Paris imports all of its wine.

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10344 posts

Doug: As usual, I'm impressed with your knowledge!Susan: Your best bet for a decent winery maya be to make the trip to the Burgundy area southeast of Paris, or for something closer go to the Champagne country to the east of Paris around Epernay.

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416 posts

Instead of a winery, you could visit a wine seller in Paris. I would imagine some of them offer tastings. Certainly worth looking into if you are not planning to travel into any of the wine regions.

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101 posts

Just read in a guidebook that we bought this year that there is a "Montmartre Wine Festival' in October. And in a link I think I found on this site 'Bars & Vins" about old wine bars etc in Paris there was a story about a barowner that had a celebration where he picked the grapes growing around the outside of his bar. It was a link to a newspaper article I believe.

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448 posts

The Montmartre wine harvest is always the first weekend of October..very fun and colorful..the countryside of France comes to the city
We've been several times.
There is the Musée du Vin..which i've never visited..but sounds not far from Musée Marmottan if you want to see Monet.