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paris travel

Hello everyone-
I'm headed to Europe in 3 weeks to visit my son in the military. We will be staying 2 nights at the Best Western Eiffel Segur at 34 Boulevard Garibaldi. I have a Eurail pass but I have gone in circles trying to figure out how to get from the hotel to Gare Saint Lazare. I need help...PLEASE...
Also, exactly what do I need to buy so I can use any transportation there since I'm pretty sure the Eurail pass isn't what I need inside Paris.
I'm open to any advice you will share as I am finding that I am not only excited about traveling in Europe, but I am beginning to FEAR becoming "lost as a goose" in Paris...
Thank you in advance for helping this is greatly appreciated!

Posted by
1806 posts

How much luggage are you carrying? If you have a heavy bag, just save yourself the hassle and take a taxi - it's not that far and the Metro can have a lot of stairs and buses can be crowded during rush hours. If you prefer to take the Metro, go to the Segur metro stop and take the #10 headed east (towards Austerlitz) for just 1 stop (Duroc). Transfer lines at Duroc and take the #13 headed north (Gabriel Peri or Saint Denis) and it takes you to Gare Saint Lazare. Best Western should be able to provide you with a map and confirm that Segur is the closest Metro stop to the hotel. Or email the hotel and ask them if there is a bus line nearby that will take you directly to Saint Lazare.

You are correct, a Eurail pass is not what you need to get around inside Paris for the 2 days you are there. Depending on what you and your son want to see and how much walking you want to do, you might just buy a carnet (10 tickets) and use them up as you go along.

You really cannot get lost on the Paris Metro - it works in the same manner as the subway system in U.S. cities. Just look at the color of the line and the name of the last stop in the direction you want to travel, and check the map for intersecting lines where you can transfer for free and follow the signs when you are down in the subway.

There is also usually a neighborhood map near the ticket booth/exits. You can consult it in advance to make sure you head in the right direction once you start to make your way above ground.

Posted by
1633 posts

Celia, when you purchase your metro tickets in Paris, you can get a map of the metro system. Before our trips, I often purchase a small, foldable city map. You can find these in the travel section of a bookstore. Study and get familiar with it on the plane. I also like to use to figure out hotel locations in respect to metro stations, etc. Have fun visiting your son (we were stationed in Germany for 3 years) and making memories!

Posted by
506 posts

To get from your hotel in the 15eme - walk to Segur metro station (line 10) - less than 5 minutes

Take the metro (direction Austerlitz) to Sevres Babylone. Change here to line 12 direction La Chapelle to Saint Lazare.

Whole trip shouldn't be more than 25 minutes.

Loads of information for you here : (click the british flag for English)
plus search this site (upper right hand corner) because there have been many discussions about which Metro pass or tickets

Posted by
2 posts

We are traveling very lightly- only 1 backpack each, so we won't have to worry about the luggage. I have already sent one suitcase with some supplies in it to my son...when we get ready to come home we'll use it to haul the souvenirs back.
ps...we have never used subway systems in the u.s. or anywhere else...
We travel quite a bit- but never where we have had to use public transportation.
I just want to keep surprises to a minimum...this is probably the only chance we'll have to travel to Europe- and I hope to maximize the time we spend with our son.
Thanks to everyone for great advice!! I think all this information will help me sleep better between now and then.

Posted by
8700 posts

See this zoomable map of the Metro and RER systems.

If you're only going to be in Paris for two nights, buy a ten-ticket carnet and share the tickets with your son. Each ticket is good anywhere the Metro goes and on the RER in zone 1 and provides unlimited transfers until you exit the system. It's also good for bus-to-bus transfers up to 90 minutes after boarding the first bus.

Posted by
135 posts

Celia, I vote for a taxi to the train station, especially with luggage. The metro can be A LOT of walking. The hotel can call one for you. Have fun on your trip!

Posted by
1455 posts

Even though you are traveling very light, if you are not sure how to get from the hotel to the destination, take a taxi. However, since you'll be there for 2 days you probably will learn how to use the metro and you may end up taking that to Gare Saint Lazare.

I would also consider the time you need to reach the Gare. Keep in mind the day, the time, and traffic.

Have fun.. bon chance!