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Paris, Tour de France wknd

I posted, on the wrong board, so let me start over. I am going to be in Paris at the finish of the race, July. Anyone experience this before? Where is the best place to see the racers? I also wanted to know if anyone had traveled to the Chateau de Maison from Chartres and would it be a worthwhile trip to make after visiting Chartres on the way back to Paris. Thanks.

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8293 posts

I guess the best place to see the finish of the Tour de France would be the Champs Elysée, but there will be thousands & thousands of others who think so, too. I tried to find on the web the actual route into Paris, but without success. Perhaps someone else knows how to do this. The route into Paris is from Montereau-Fault-Yonne, east of Fontainebleau.

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12040 posts

If I remember correctly, the race usually enters central Paris along Rue de Rivoli. A position here may not be as crowded, but the racers will only pass once before going into their final circuits along the Champs Elysee.

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196 posts

My wife and I are big fans and were there in 2006 at the finish to see Floyd Landis "win". We got out of the Metro at Charles de Gaulle Etoile and made our way to the guard rail by 9am. At that time we got a spot in front of McDonalds right behind someone at the rail. 2 persons thick at 9am. The riders didn't get there until 3 perhaps so I wished we had something to sit on... The Mc Donalds location was pretty good because of the restroom. Remember they go around the Champs Elysee 8 times so you will see them much more if you shoulder your way in. We tried to get down to the finish line to see the last lap but were unable to get down all the way to the other side of the circuit. So I guess there are few things I suggest: Get there early. If you can bring something to sit on, do it. The wider the view area you have the more you will see. Try to get near a place with a restroom (like Mc Donalds). Bring something to read or do. An hour before the peloton gets there the carvan of sponsers starts. This is amusing to see and that is when the crowd really presses in, put your elbows out and hold your ground. You will never forget the sound of those bikes on the cobblestones and just how beautiful the colors of the peloton are. Bring your camera. (Thor won the stage!)
Bon chance

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6 posts

Thanks for the info, anyone on the Chateau?

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8293 posts

Where exactly is this chateau? I can't find anything when I google it as Chateau de Maison.

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6 posts

Sorry to confuse, Chateau de Maintenon. There is a small town close to Chartres. One of Louis XIV wives(mistress)lived in the Chateau. It looks like a bus will take you from Chartres to the town, but it doesn't seem to be very well known.

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8293 posts

It would seem to be worthwhile visiting. When you are in Chartres visit the Tourist Information office, it is near the cathedral, and inquire about transportation. A taxi would not be expensive as a last resort.

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6 posts

Thanks Norma. Has anyone visited this chateau? I am also interested in finding out if anyone has taken a lunch cruise using as a source. Thanks