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Paris to switzerland

Is there any reasonable train trip for one day from to Switzerland?

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33175 posts

Sorry, Mary, it looks like some words are missing from your question. Are you asking about doing a day trip from Paris to somewhere in Switzerland? And returning to Paris the same day?

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6898 posts

I'm assuming that you are looking for a one-day trip to and from Switzerland from Paris. The best travel time into Switzerland on a nice TGV train is 3hrs one way to Basel or 3hrs to Geneva. Travel deeper into Switzerland will increase your travel time. Best travel time to Bern from Paris is 4hrs12min. Best travel time to Lucerne from Paris is 4.5hrs. Best travel time into Interlaken Ost is just over 5hrs. All travel times above are by train and are all one-way. You could do the one day trip but I would suggest a very early start with the expectation of returning well into the evening.

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43 posts

Thanks all...yes, Paris to Switzerland and back