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Paris to Rome train intinerary questions

I will be in Paris in may, staying in Paris for 4 days, I plan on going to bayeux for 2-3 days, my question is I have a global train pass, and I am wondering if it would be better to take a train to the south of france, and on to Rome, or if it would be better to go through Switzerland, stop there ( I do plan on going to to the Berner Oberland some time). Do I make sense? I'm just wondering which would be faster, more time efficent and make more sense to do?

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I think Paris to Rome will be a faster trip than going through Switzerland. If you want to make a stop on the Cote d'Azur, it is a good idea. It will break up a long trip. Can you go first class? For such a long trip, it might be best, especially if you have to take a night train. Second class,on night trains, is very uncomfortable, especially if you are tall. (6 persons to a car;only 4 in first class) Hope this is helpful. Bon voyage!!! Carole (presently living in the south of France)