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Paris to Corsica by train, with 3yo.

I'm planning a vacation for late September, early October. The main twist is that I'll be traveling with a 3yo. Our current idea is Paris to Corsica by train and ferry. Right now I'm thinking of 2 days in Paris, and 6 in Corsica (1 more in Paris on return). I think Paris probably has more for a 3yo to "do" so I'm wondering if 6 days in Corsica is not the right balance. So far in my research, I think Corte and Bonifacio sound like a good fit for us. So possibly Marseille or Toulon to Calvi via ferry, then Corsican train to Corte, then rental car for journey to Bonifacio. The 3yo is a train buff (well, me too) hence the focus on train rides.

Advice on any of this, but especially the Corsica leg since I've never been before, would be appreciated. Thanks!

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I had a few thoughts about the train trip -

Try to book "Family Seating" this is a specific area on the train that is slightly isolated from the other passengers. Which can be helpful should it be one of those days that your child decides to be awake and moving the full 3 hour trip. Typically, French children are quite well mannered - and are expected to sit in their seats - no running up and down the aisles for example. The family seating is ideal for an active toddler.

I think you may be surprised that Corsica can offer lots to do. Besides my experience of 3 years olds is more that everything is entertainment. There are lots of outdoor activities - and the ocean is always fabulous.

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