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Paris thrift store shopping?

I will be traveling to Paris this summer with my teenage daughter who loves shopping for used clothing. I am hoping to find the French equivalent of Goodwill or Value Village type stores, or well priced consignment, or vintage clothing outlets. Any ideas?

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8293 posts

Used clothing stores are called "fripperies" in French, so any shop with that word in its name or on its window could be worth investigating. If you google "fripperies in paris" you may get some info. Also the flea markets could be a source.

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283 posts

Flea markets are the place for this in Paris. The various flea markets are wonderful--and very French. I have seen Dior, Chanel, even Manolo shoes in the markets. The biggest ones are on the outskirts of Paris, not the ones in the center of town.

Be careful with your belongings there!

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448 posts

The equivalent of Goodwill or St Vincent's is very rare in France , but my suggestion for Paris is the Boutiques Emmaus, Bastille...54 Rur Charonne, Metro Ledru Rollin...and organization started by France's favorite priest Abbé Pierre who died several years ago. I'm looking forward to the day that this country allows yard sales so i can make a few euros cleaning out my basement......And do Google "friperie" as Norma suggested...i didn't see anything in English, but it might give you some ideas....and PS, I loved my many visits to Bainbridge Island...named my cat Winslow.

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3 posts

Depot-Vente is another term for secondhand stores.
There is a great consignment series of store called "Reiproque" , 89-101 rue de la Pompe, Paris 16. Open Tues-Sat. Metro Rue de la Pompe. This is a series of consignment stores, one for women's clothes, one men's one accessories etc. It's fabulous. The clothes are not necessarily cheap, but many of them are designer, and most of them unique and unusual and there are good bargains to be had.
Another place is Chercheminippe on rue du Cherche-Midi
on rue du Cherche Midi in the 6th.
And the Marais has some vintage clothing stores.

Good shopping!
ps I grew up on Bainbridge Island years ago...Eagledale and then Wing Point

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3 posts

Jeanette, I am so sorry, I misspelled the name of the store: Reciproque (as in reciprocal)