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Paris: Sun./Mon., 5/11-12- Errands, Montmarte Walk & Dome, The Birds!

(hot- high about 80 degrees): Arrival, Shuttle, Checked in to Apartments (kids napped for a few hours while errands were run), Bought 6 day Museum Passes at Invalides; 4 day for my son turning 18 halfway through the week (tip: know how to say the ages of kids in French at the Museum entrances) and none needed for the 12 year old, Lunch on rue Cler, Grocery shopping (coffee, milk), went to Invalides Metro for all our train tickets, but she directed us to the French Travel office across the street (it was closed) so I led us to the Invalides RER station right there where they sold everything and the young guy was very helpful. Bought: Carte Orange Hebdomadaire (I asked if we needed the Navigo as I noticed he wasn’t charging us for it and he told us that was only for the locals and we didn’t need it), Moblis tickets (zone 1-5) for our Disney day the following Monday, Versailles Forfait Loisirs Semaine (weekday) for our last day-after Mus. Passes were done (they don’t call it the Passporte like RSs does) train/museum combo (they give you two separate tickets) and 2 train tickets (zone 1-4) for my 12 year old for getting to Versailles as he didn’t need a museum ticket. I wish I would have written this all down ahead of time for the attendant as we had a large order and my French wasn’t as good as I thought it was, I ended up doing this there. Also he wanted the dates we were doing each thing, which I wasn’t expecting since none of these are dated (the Versailles one is more expensive on weekdays, so I get that). Took the Metro to St. Lazare to pick up the last small piece of our train tickets to Normandy and to get familiar with the station for our early departure on Friday (if you want details see my Normandy trip report Friday, May 16). MORE...

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Then we went on to Montmarte (good idea to be walking outside on your first night to keep you awake longer) and did the Sacre Coeur Dome Climb- no, you don’t need change only, the machine takes small bills and there is an attendant standing at the machine to help you do it all. The climb was worth it as you can circle the dome 360 degrees and coming down is interesting walking over the rooftops and finally down to the crypt. There was a large parade of young people with flags with the sacred heart on them parading around the steps (spelled out “Sacre Coeur 2008” in water bottle on the pavement below…never did figure out what it was about). We walked the tour (no other museums) and the guys wanted to stop at La Maison Rose for a drink (nice quiet atmosphere outside), we were all starting fade the minute we sat down, so against what I’d read about the lousy food, I gave in to eating dinner there. It was probably the worst meal of the trip-bland chicken with white rice. MORE...

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About the time we ordered, I felt something hit the back of my head hard I thought a rock had fallen off the wall I was up against…no such luck. Apparently a giant bird had it in for me as I had a thick pile on my head the size of an egg yolk (I think it was more like a crab cake size, but they were trying to be kind). I laughed until I cried as my kids looked at me like I was nuts, and the table next to us was laughing too…maybe it was the jet lag. So after my husbands attempts at a scrape off job, there I am in the tiny bathroom trying to rinse the back of my head while the locals inside were wondering why I came out with a wet head…what can you do (the French birds didn’t like us, they got my daughter twice and my brother once on this trip…but of course theirs were tiny spots). Home we went for early to bed (from the first Metro stop by Moulin Rouge- Pig Alley not appropriate for the youngin’s). END DAY

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567 posts

Nancy, I've enjoyed reading your trip reports
Kudos to you and all your planning for your family. In order to have a smooth, fun, safe and enjoyable time, especially in a large group, you really need to research ahead of time.
I'm a planner too, and when I read like now, I cut and paste notes for later.

The Monday holiday is "Whit Monday". It is the second Monday after the Ascension. We encountered it in Germany as the locals we met on Thursday the 14th, had not worked that Monday to observe that religious holiday.

Was the parade celebration on that Thursday VE day?

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567 posts

I intended to write, that Wednesday the 14th, VE day?

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Diane- Yes, actually the parade at the Arc was on Wednesday the 14th. Thanks for the info.- nice to know!