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Paris Summer 2009

My daughter and I went to Paris for her 16th birthday in 2007. We had a blast! I found and received very helpful information on this website while planning our last trip. We are hoping to go back this summer. On our last trip we stayed at the Holiday Inn (Republique – very centralized) which wasn’t bad. We also took day trips to Brussels and London.

Walking around the Marais we came across the Hotel du Petit Moulin- is anyone familiar with this hotel? Also, any suggestions on other places (towns, other cities) to take day trips to or even overnight? Thank you in advance for any info.

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11507 posts

Maria, go online at and read the reader poster hotel reveiws. You have to take the general feeling most reviews reveal, and ignore the odd ones out( ie, ten great reveiws and one bad one for example).

I also agree that the 6th ( st Germain) is a lovely area, my favorite actaully, but the 5th (Latin Quarter) is also very central and fun.

You can also just google for hotel reviews, you may find some on serveral sites, just google search "Hotel Du Petit Moulin Paris reveiws" and I am sure some links will pop up.

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1358 posts

I would choose Fontainebleau by train or Versailles by metro as day trips out of Paris. Both castles are well worth a visit.

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64 posts

I am most fond of the 6th arr. There is a very nice hotel on Rue Boneparte called Boneparte. It is a typical french hotel, small but clean rooms with wonderful service. The location is walking distance to so many places of interest. I love Paris.

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4132 posts

Since Paris sits at the hub of the national rail network, many places are within range of an overnight trip. Heck, you could justify such a trip to Avignon or Bayeux.

What do you and your daughter enjoy? What's an ideal experience? Start with that and you'll have your pick.

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154 posts

I have stayed in several places around Paris and I like the Latin Quarter the best. Then you can enjoy and evening out without having to take the metro back home too late.

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134 posts

Thank you guys for the suggestions! I will continue the research and probably get back w/more questions. Regards-