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Paris Sales

I read that Paris has great sales in July, has anyone been shopping lately in Paris? I will be there for the 1st time this Friday!

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506 posts

Les Soldes are still kicking but a quick view today of some local retailers I found that the selection is dwindling quickly.

Many mark downs are 50 to 70 % BUT you must really be into orange etc. :o)

There are however many small boutiques that still have some great items. I am now up to 3 new pairs of shoes - assorted clothing, jewelry and hand bags.

It is a great opportunity - but just like in the States you will have to have some due diligence to dig through the random items.

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32 posts

Hi Cheryl, I've been here, in Paris, since July 2 and yes, indeed, the sales are ON. Most stores have a 30-50% markdown (and it is usually already marked on the ticket). I'd recommend going to Printemps or Galerie Lafayette. They are set up like individual boutiques (one section for Kookai, one section for Sonia Rykiel, one section for Sandro, etc). If you go to the info desk you can get a 10-15% discount card for non-EU citizens (bring your passport). I got this on top of the existing sales. If you spend 175+ Euros in one day, which is easier to do in a dept store than a boutique, you can go to the international desk and get your detaxe forms completed. Just take all your receipts to them after the shopping (you don't have to go before). Have fun!!!

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1455 posts

The sales started officially June 25. The crowds were coming out of the stores like the items were free!

The sales will dwindle and end the last week of July/ first week of August. You will get good deals but the selections may vary.

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11 posts

Thanks for the info we are really excited about being in Paris for the 1st time. I am taking my 17 year old daugther and we are shoppers. I am also an art teacher and looking forward to all of the marvelous art.

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16 posts

the shopping is complete insanity with me caught us along with everyone else but with fewer bucks to spend to be sure. If you like to shop then this time and place will be your heaven. I find that the area around the Opera to be extremely crowded but with lots to choose from. I've been all over the city and the sales are city wide. If you don't do crowds well, like me, then just wander the streets and go into whatever place interests you. Even the outdoor markets are having things on sale.

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10544 posts

Does anyone know the date the winter sales will start?

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1455 posts

September is all I know... not sure on the actual kick off date.


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506 posts

Winter sales happen in mid-January to mid-February after the holiday season.

"Les Soldes" are only bi-annual.

September there are typically "Re-entre" sales focused on household items and school things. Not as many clothes etc.

btw- most sales have dwindled greatly this week with very little remaining given the Parisians are high tailing it out of the city for holiday.