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Posted by
9110 posts

If one goes out to the western tip of the Ile de la Cite, one cannot see the sun set toward the Pont Nuef since the bridge is behind them. If one watches the sun set from the bridge, one cannot see the sun set over the point of the island unless it is winter and the trees are bare.

Additionally, this time of year the sun does not set toward the ET when viewed from the tip of the island. The ET is directly west of the tip. The sun is now setting on an azimuth of about 300 degrees which is pretty much over the Arc from the tip of the island.

Posted by
9436 posts

Thanks for posting this Grier! Something to look forward to!

Posted by
12040 posts

"my one mis-statement of geography" It's been far more than one mis-statement...

And now, I'll drop out of this conversation. Sorry this happened, Grier, but we do appreciate the link.

Posted by
9110 posts


Give it one more try so you can get it right.

You can't see the ET from any portion of the bridge that's on the island; nor can you see it from the southern span.

You must go at last half way across the northern span before you can see the tower.

Plus, if you look thirty degrees away from the sun, the sun is not in your eyes.

Posted by
16645 posts

Here's a tip for those traveling to Europe...when you are there, experience it. Don't spend your time online in some travel forum and write about things you read about.

Go and actually experience the place. There is no better substitute than your own eyes.

And Grier, thanks for posting this. I'm surprised it didn't get more play in the travel press.

Posted by
160 posts

Thanks Grier!

I bet you didn't know you would be setting off a childish cat fight amongst all the professional Rick Steves wannabees that spend 24/7 looking for an opportunity to pounce on any misstep on the traveler's "Help"-line. My wife was laughing her rear off when she read this tit-for-tat saying that she could just picture each one of these guys sitting behind a desk in the basement of their parents homes, smoking generic cigarettes and eating cheetos spending half their time pretending they're "king" of the travel experts and the other half looking at porn and/or gun magazines. Personally, I think it's hilarious. Thanks for the geography lesson guys...keep 'em comming.

Posted by
16645 posts

Ed in WV, let me set the record straight...

None of us are kids living in our parent's basement.

Ed, from Pensacola, Fl is a retired military man who has spent years traveling the globe;

Tom, when not in the U.S., lives in Europe with his doctor wife;

Kent is the grand master of the board having been here longer than anyone;

And as for me, I'm a semi-retired professional in the travel industry who still takes on a project or two in different parts of the world.

Unlike others who post here trying to impress people, we post trying to share our experiences. None of us claims to be an expert.

What we try to expose is fake knowledge and expertise. Some come here to post and post without any real knowledge and even when they do have knowledge, get things wrong. And when it's the same person, well, we sometimes get a little outspoken.

And to the person currently thinking they are a Parisian when they are nothing more than another tourist...a couple of things...First, this is not your personal blog to tell us of your daily happenings. If you want a blog, then start one.

Second, the day I'm jealous of your travels, is the day the world is coming to an end.

Posted by
30 posts

Thank you Grier! I really enjoyed reading the article. I hope the plan becomes a reality.

I'm a new and infrequent poster on this forum and I generally enjoy reading the very selfless, informative posts. Having said that, as a retired school administrator, I'm very disappointed by the cyber bullying I've been witnessing. Like it or not, that's exactly what it is. If some of you 1,000+ posters are half the outstanding citizens you claim to be, you'd keep your negative comments to yourself and ignore the temptation to make further fools of yourselves and stop ruining this wonderful forum for everyone else. Simply turn off the computer, take a deep breath, and walk away. Your knowledge and talents should be put to a better use.

Posted by
54 posts

I have a question: are people ribbing each other in good humored jest? I can't tell at this point, as it is getting mean, and honestly, very disconcerting. I appreciate all the advice from each of you and it has been helping me plan my upcoming trip. The nit-picking is getting worse, and I am a little concerned at what I had originally thought was good natured teasing. I’d like to stick with the website and enjoy it. The problem I am having is to wade through poster bashing to find good information that answers the question which was asked. If everyone is just joking around, then that is one thing, but these latest posts look like much more than that. It makes me feel bad for the person the bashing is aimed at – and the LAST thing I want when planning my trip is to feel bad.

Posted by
160 posts

No Sherry, I'm sorry to say that there is no good-humored jesting taking place. I personally want to thank Bill from NYC for having the courage to hit the nail directly on the head. What we are dealing with is a small group of arrogant "cyber bullies" who use their numerous "1,000+" postings as some kind of club to bash anyone who mis-speaks, mis-spells, mis-steps in any way, shape or form. It's sad that these pathetic few should choose to treat this worderful web site as their personal domain, as if because they've been here longer they have the right to steam-roll anyone. Personally, I choose to ignore any of their posts from here on. Maybe if enough of us contact the Webmaster and complain about their inappropriate postings, something will be done. Positive, helpful postings only, please!

Posted by
38 posts

Bill & Sherry...i agree w/ your posts. some of the critiquing may be good-natured ribbing (i liked ed's wife's description), but some is just down-right nasty. as my kids would say, "chill".

Posted by
2349 posts

I think the regulars at the bar are calling Cliff Claven on his "expertise." Sometimes you just can't stand someone going on and on just to see himself post.

Posted by
78 posts

Kudos to Steve for taking the high road and not responding to some of the petty, little people posting here.