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Paris "loop" via Normandy, Amboise and Auvers-sur-Oise

Have mapped out this- Paris to Roen via train, get rental car and head to Normandy (D-day beaches) then on to Amboise (Chenonceaux, Chambord, Cheverny) then drive to Auvers-sur Oise. Will do this in 4 days. On 5th day need to get to CDG airport for a 12:30pm flight. Best way to get to CDG (can't get train info from Pontoise) or other ideas how to rework this loop? Thanks!

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4132 posts

Get your train info from the German rail site, which says there are frequent trains and that the trip takes less than 2 hours. Or you could just keep the car another day and return it at the airport.

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19 posts

Funny that I can get train info/schedules from a German rail site and not raileurope! Thanks for the tip! No desire to drive anywhere near Paris! YIKES!!!

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3313 posts

Driving around Paris is no big deal. it's just freeway. It would be much easier for dropping your car at CDG.