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Paris parking near a Metro stop

Have decided to avoid driving and lodging in Paris. Will be arriving Paris from Reims in the morning and will drive onto Giverny our first evening (returning by train the next day.) Any recommendations for reasonable parking on the fringe and near a Metro? Was quoted 24 Euros across the street from the from Hotel Hospitel.

Yes, we have a GPS . . .

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8293 posts

What about La Defense? Have you checked there?

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52 posts

Thank you for your kind reply Norma. I am not at all familiar with La Defense. Was there a particular location there that you might suggest for parking? Any feel for the parkng rates?


Posted by
2193 posts

I know you're looking for something a little more reasonable, but the going rate is not too bad, especially for a major city. And, any public parking garage anywhere in Paris is economical compared to Manhattan. I’ve parked cars in both cities and have paid just shy of $50 for parking near 42nd Street, while Paris was around $28 (20 Euros). It looks like many of the hotels in La Defense offer daily parking for around 20 Euros...…not sure if that’s for the underground parking at CNIT. There are tens of thousands of spaces there…shouldn’t be in short supply.

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8293 posts

Steve, La Defense is the business area of Paris, where there are many modern, high-rise office buildings and it is in the north west outskirts of Paris. You must have a map? Google "parking at La Defense" and you'll see what's available. I know the Ibis hotels there have parking. There is Metro and bus service from La Defense into the centre of the city.

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52 posts

Norma, thank you very much for your advice re La Defense. Our B&B host in Port-Villez said it was an excellent choice - also convenient to A14!

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8293 posts

Stephen: While you are at La Defense, go to the top of the Grande Arche and enjoy the view all the way down to the Arc de Triomphe. Then take the Bus No. 74, which will, on its way to the Musée d'Orsay, go down Avenue de la Grande Armée to the Arc de Triomphe and then down the Champs Élysées. A wonderful ride for the price of one ticket.

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52 posts

Norma, you certainly are familiar with La Defense! Are you sure you don't have a street number for economical parking . . . I have become very spoiled by my GPS!!! ;-)

Posted by
10344 posts

"Are you sure you don't have a street number for economical parking."

Stephen: You seem to be focused on finding economical parking in Paris near a Metro stop. That's probably not a reasonable expectation--would be a bit like trying to find economical parking in Manhattan (well, not quite that bad).

Parking in the part of Paris being discussed is not going to get significantly cheaper than the rate you've already been quoted. It's the going rate.

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52 posts

Well, Kent, from Oregon, I got this idea from reading Rick Steves books and many of the kind and helpful posts on this website. I am glad you are willing to pay the going rate - even if artificially inflated. Thank you for asking!

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10344 posts

"I am glad you are willing to pay the going rate."

I'm not willing to pay the going rate. And that's only one reason I don't try to park a car in Paris.

Posted by
9436 posts

If La Defense parking is still expensive, what about parking in a small town outside Paris at an RER station? I'm not looking at a map and don't know your route so can't say what town, but I lived in Saint Germain-en-Laye to the west of Paris and it has a RER station that gets you to Paris quickly. There must be other towns along your route with a RER station. We drove from Beaune last August to Giverny and we went right past Saint Germain-en-Laye, so maybe it is along your route. I would think parking in a small town would be less expensive than in Paris. It's just a thought.

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8293 posts

Stephen: My work here is done. Have fun and be sure to go to the top of the Grande Arche.