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Paris or Normandy on Sunday?

We will be arriving in either Paris or Bayeux on a Saturday night then flying back home Tuesday morning. We don't have nearly enough time! How do we make the best of the time we do have? After reading alot of helpful advice on this site it seems alot of things are closed on Monday in Paris so would it be better to do Paris on Sunday and take a Normandy tour on Monday?

2nd-Does anybody have any advice on what to do in Paris for that one day? I've looked into many different tours etc but not sure what will be the best use of our time. My teenage boys and I are really excited to see everything we can but obviously we can't see everything. I already know I'm going back to Europe and I haven't even been yet! Can't wait...

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211 posts

I would do Normandy on a Monday, if you think Paris is dead on a Sunday, its much worse in smaller towns and cities.

When I was in Rouen, we hated Sundays as you could literally do nothing. At least in Paris museaums and the like are open, you can go through the gardens, and there are a lot more choices of places to eat etc.

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10344 posts

A heads up: It's challenging to do the D-Day Beaches as a day trip from Paris--not impossible but it will take extra planning and research on your part and it will be a very long day. About 95% of travelers reporting in here don't do Normandy as a day trip from Paris. You say you're going back, so honestly I'd recommend you skip the Normandy day trip this time, giving yourself two whole days in Paris, and do Normandy when you return when you can do it up right as an overnight trip.If you are still tempted to do Normandy as a day trip, these 2 links explain some of the planning challenges in trying to do it as a day trip from Paris: click hereclick here

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10 posts

My initial plan was to go to Bayeux Saturday and spend the night, do the tour and then take the train to Paris. Do you think that would work? I would skip it this trip but that is what one of my sons is looking to the most, he loves history.

As for what we like...We would like to see some of the sights ie: Eiffel Tower, Louvre, cruise the Seine, catacombs, Notre Dame. I personally want to walk around and eat crepes and drink cappuccino at some sidewalk cafe. I love to people watch. I saw the hop on/off bus tour, would that be crazy hectic or is that reasonable do you think?

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1850 posts

We were in Paris June 16-20 and used the Batobus for transportation. It's a hop-on-hop-off boat that chugs up and down the Seine from the Eiffel Tower to the Jardin de Plantes, making I think 8 stops. It's a bit slow but very relaxing. If you want to get to a stop a little faster, you can get off on the other bank of the Seine and cross the river. Batobus worked for everything but Montmartre. If you google Batobus and Paris you will find their web site.

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408 posts

There is so much to see in Paris. I would pick the highlights and plan on a return visit in the future to see the rest. My daughter (22) did a Fat tire bike tour while in Paris and loved it. The kids would also enjoy the Napoleans tomb and the war museum. Have a great trip.

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506 posts

Stella -

I would recommend the crepes - and a cafe creme. Cappuccino is not as common given it is Italian but you may find some cafes will serve it once in awhile.

Eiffel Tower I would suggest you think of this as a night event. The lights are actually all blue right now because France began its 6 month EU presidency on the 1st of July. But this will let you go to Notre Dame and or the Louvre. If you want to hit the museum make this an early stop (closed on Tuesday) then go to Notre Dame (after mass is finished). Walk along the Seine from the Louvre to Notre Dame - stop at a cafe.

The Tour Eiffel will be open until 9am to 0:45 (last elevator at midnight) during the summer - the sun is setting about 22h15 right now - so it will be easy to go after dinner - say at Trocadero or along the river.