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Paris Museum Pass worthwhile in November?

It looks like one of the great benefits of a Paris Museum Pass is skipping the lines. We'll be there the first week in November -- should we expect lines? Is it worth getting a Museum Pass (we definitely want to go to the Louvre, Orsey, Orangerie, Rodin). Merci

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10344 posts

"It looks like one of the great benefits of a Paris Museum Pass is skipping the lines."

Just repeating what Steve said, for emphasis: What you said (above quote from your post) is not completely correct.

You skip the ticket buying lines but not the security lines, which can be long at a place like the Louvre that averages 15,000 visitors per day.

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951 posts

I went last year in December. I did not encounter much of a line, but I did arrive at the Louvre at 9am. I found that the pass was worth buying, as I did go to a lot of museums in Paris. Crowds and lines were not an issue for me in Paris in December.

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2764 posts

The other advantage is that if it's cold or rainy you can just "hop" into someplace you might not want to spend 10 Euros on. I went a few years ago on a cold week in March and when I got "cold" I just located the closest museum and hopped in for a visit. Saw some really interesting places that way.

That said, this past Wed at 9:30 there were no real lines for tickets at the Louvre, by noon there were HUGE lines.

So if you don't do the pass... ARRIVE EARLY!

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7 posts

Just got back from Paris and the lines are not long. You do have to go through security whose lines were not that long, even for Versailles, althoug we got there later in the day. There is a recession and it shows. Whether you get a pass or not is more a function of the number of museums you will be seeing on consecutive days than lines as the pass must be for consecutive days. If it pays, then go for it. Good luck and beware, things are expensive w/the weak dollar.

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153 posts

Alan is absolutely correct. The PMP accelerates in value during the peak season, but is still a good value if you use it for more than one major attraction a day even in the off season, and you may find yourself jumping in for a quick look at something you wouldn't have considered otherwise. We would not have climbed to the top of the Arc had we not had the pass.

If you go in summer and don't have a museum pass, you're going to stand around a lot.