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Paris Museum Pass

We are leaving for Europe in 2 weeks. Do I have time to buy 2 Museum passes or is it better to wait until we get to Paris. Also, where is the best place to buy in Paris?

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10344 posts

I heard a rumor that starting in January the big Paris museums are going to begin an experiment with free admission(?). If they do it would change the economics of buying museum passes. Maybe others know more about whether this is going to happen?

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108 posts

In August, when we arrived at CDG on Air France, we went past the tourist office on our way out & bought our passes there. There are signs directing you to the tourist office--very easy. Enjoy your trip!

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3313 posts

You can buy the Museum Passes at any of the museums and also at the tourist offices at Charles DeGaulle. Don't sweat it. If you want to go to the Orsay first, for example, buy them when you get there. Here's a link to the Museum Pass website with points of sale:

As Kent mentioned, I too have heard the certain museums will be experimenting with free entries, but I understood that it was to be just a handful of the lesser attended museums; not the blockbusters.

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2598 posts

The free musuems will be all over France, not just Paris. The only free ones in Paris will be the Guimet (Asian art); Cluny (medieval, I recommend this one) and Arts et Metiers (science). Remember some museums have free days or evenings, regardless of this "free" campaign. See news article

My experience with the museum pass was you could buy it at any of the participating museums (go to a less busy one so you don't have to wait in line). If you happen to be in London, we purchased at the Eurostar info desk. It's worth the pass just for quick/easy entry for a clean bathroom.

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31 posts

We stayed in the Rue Cler area and just walked over to the Rodin museum. It is a great museum and small. There was no line at all for buying the museum pass.
I also would recommend buying them at one of the small museums instead of the Orsay, Louvre,etc.