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Paris Metro commute to Osny

My husband will be living and working in Paris for 3 months and we are looking for an apartment so that his commute to Osny will not be more than 30-40 minutes. Is commuting from any Metro station quick across the city, or would we be wiser to stay near metro station Saint Lazare?

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10536 posts

No, it's not always quick. Every metro change he needs to make usually takes time. He should try to be on one of the lines which is a direct route to the Gare St. Lazare and avoid changes. Someone else can probably give you the URL address where you can look up times from different stations.

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8700 posts

According to the RATP site, trains leaving from Gare Saint-Lazare take 45 minutes to travel to Osny. To cut down his commuting time, your husband will need to find a place to stay that is closer to Osny.