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Paris Markets

Two questions:
Anyone been to the Marche d'Aligre, a covered market on the Place d'Aligre in the Bastille? I hear it has an African influence, but the prices are very good. Any feedback?

What is your favorite flea market? We have been to the big one at Puce de Saint-Ouen. This one had lots of junk, as well as furnishings, which are hard to pack in my suitcase. Anyone like other better?


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I went to a market at the Bastille, but I'm not sure if it's the same one you're talking about. The one I went to you could directly see from bastille statue. It was the only market I visited in Paris, so I have nothing to compare. But it was quite large. It took at least a hour of browsing to go through it all & then I went back in to buy some things after I had seen everything (well with a trip to the ATM in between!). I thought everything was very well priced. I bought quite a few necklaces for 2.50 euros each and friends I gave them to just love them. I also bought & was given sample sizes of some of the food and drinks. I bought a picnic lunch from there too. I don't know if I happened upon a special event/day or not; but there was quite an African influence - I just assumed it was a special thing, but perhaps not. There were tents at one end set up with different items from all different countries in Africa food and misc. items. I also stopped and watched a band with their drums and other instruments for quite a while. This was on either end of the market. At one end of the market there was also a lot of artsy items. Then in the middle it was just a regular market. All kinds of fruits, vegetables, cheeses, meats, drinks, breads, clothing, accessories, etc, etc. It was definately a highlight of my trip :) (A million times better than Rue Cler that RS recommends that I found severely disappointing).