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Paris - Marais neighborhood - Help

Can someone tell me about the Marais area. Is this a nice second choice rather than Rue Cler? I prefer quaint to cosmopolitan. Any suggestions for some 1 star hotels there?

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390 posts

I would much rather stay in the Marais than Rue Cler. I didn't find Rue Cler to be all that charming personally, and it's pretty far from everything except the Eiffel Tower. The Marais is walking distance to Ile St. Louis and Notre Dame, and the Latin Quarter. It's a beautiful area with lots of gorgeous buildings and great restaurants and shopping. Check out the MIJE website- they run 3 hotel/hostels in old mansions in the Marais. Doubles are €68 per room. Really great locations - very close to the Seine.

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506 posts

The Marais is a lovely historical part of Paris. You are in great walking distance to many things. The 4th Arrondissement is the heart of the Marais, which used to be principally the Jewish quarter but now it is a hybrid neighbourhood, a lively atmosphere with great bars and restaurants. It also contains Ile St Louis and Ile de la Cite (the two islands) which are the oldest parts of Paris.

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8700 posts

I, too, like the Marais. I've stayed in one of the MIJE hostels and found it to be excellent. However, be aware that there is a lockout period during the day and a curfew at night.

For budget hotels in the Marais, check the listings at From what I've read on several boards, the Hotel du Sejour would be a good choice.

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8293 posts

I have stayed a couple of times at the Grande Hotel Jeanne d'Arc in the Marais and liked it quite well. I think it is a 2 star, though, and you are seeking a 1 star. It is quaint (you won't get "cosmopolitan" in a 1 star), well located and the front desk staff spoke English, if that is important to you, and were affable & helpful.

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2030 posts

Yes, the Marais is a great area. Much more in the heart of the city than Rue Cler. It is definitely quaint!

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448 posts

i feel a bit a trouble maker, but sometimes i don't understand people's definitions ...or expectations...Quaint? Cosmpolitan?.....The Marais is simply another very interesting part of Paris....and more "real" than Rue Cler...BUT....Rue Cler is also in Paris and not in Disneyland...
Try a hotel in the Goutte d'Or....or Rue d'Avron...the other, but also "real" sides of Paris....and there are plenty of one star hotels there....You could even stop by and have lunch with my mother in law....

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2030 posts

Regina, you are correct. I think the Marais is quaint meaning it retains a lot of the historic, medieval feeling perhaps more than other areas. It looks so nice, you really feel you are in another world strolling around, which I did for 2 days this week! I just returned from Paris and I stayed in the 9th arr. It was fine, but except for the 2 wonderful passages that were right near my hotel on rue Richer, generally I would not describe it as "quaint". But of course it was Paris, and still fantastic and unlike anywhere else!