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Paris/Lyon...if you could go anywhere in between for one day/night, where?

I am thrilled to be visiting Europe for the first time in October, but am completely overwhelmed by the choices. My husband and I arrive in Paris Oct 9th and leave the morning of the 11th. We wish to travel "somewhere" before arriving in Lyon on the evening of the 12th for a few days.

We are trying to decide if we should visit another city in France or head for the edge of Switzerland, Germany or Italy on the TGV. I am looking for a chance to explore the culture, am not a big wine drinker or art buff, enjoy history, nature and chatting with locals.

I'm sorry to sound like a clueless US traveler, but I truly feel like one right now! Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

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3580 posts

You don't say how long you will be in Europe, but you may want to stay longer in Paris. From Lyon, my choices would be either Arles or Avignon or both. Plenty of history there.

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3 posts

Thanks for your reply...I will be in France October 9-16. I'd stay longer, but I am looking for a place to visit for a day/night after Paris and before Lyon on the 11th/12th.

Once in Lyon, my husband will be working, so I'll be free to roam and take a day trip or two by myself. Any suggestions there are also welcome!

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3313 posts

Brenda - It's easy to mistake tone on a message board but you sound insistent that you must leave Paris on the 11th and that you don't understand train routes. Pardon me if I have mistaken you. You're not giving yourself much time in Paris, so the suggestion to spend one more night there is reasonable.

Between Paris and Lyon is Burgundy. You don't have to be a wine drinker to enjoy it. You can stay in either Dijon or Beaune but the TGV doesn't stop in too many other places on the way to Lyon. That's why it's so fast.

Heading to "edge of Switzerland, Germany or Italy on the TGV" for one night will leave you the experience only of traveling on trains and little history, nature or chatting with locals (except, of course, those on the trains).

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3 posts

Thank you for your input Doug. I realize that we may be trying to fit too much into a short trip, and I am considering other options. Rather than trying to "hit" as many countries as possible, a friend suggested that we go to Annecy and then to Lyon. Based on Annecy's travel website, it looks beautiful and exactly what we're looking for. Again, I wish we could spend more time in France, but my three children would not appreciate it :)

Posted by
711 posts

Are you going only by train? There are many great places in Burgundy that I could recommend and there is a neat place in the wine area around Lyon , but you really should have a car. We always pick up a car at Orly and drive down the A6/A7. It is really a lovely drive, but many great places are not on the train route. Let me know if you need info on places to stay if you are going by car?