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Paris Logistics

Can someone tell me how far the Catacombs are to the Louvre? How long does the tour of the catacombs take? Thanks so much! Its hard to tell distance on the maps

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1068 posts

It's a couple of miles - maybe 2 1/4, 2 1/2 miles - something like that. No further. Tour length depends on the tour that you choose. They range from about 90 minutes to 2 hours, per the website. We took the longer tour, and it was fantastic. We didn't go straight from the Louvre, though. We went to the Cimetière Montparnasse in the morning, and just strolled over to the Catacombs, which was a very short stroll. Got all the dead people and bones looked at in one day!

Posted by
501 posts

Denise,we don't have a direct answer, but while waiting for someone to respond, go to top of page and you'll see a "search" box, type in, "Catacombs of Paris" and press go, this will bring up "old or past" discussions on this matter. This research will possibly answer other ones you may have.

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9110 posts

It's right at two miles and the tour takes about forty-five minutes once you get going. The wait can be nothing or exasperatingly long.

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11513 posts

We have done the Catacombs twice, on our own , and at a brisk pace( I am mildly claustrophobic so tend to walk through fast) and it was at least 45-55 minutes( in some places the tunnels are narrow and you can get stuck behind slow movers. I consider it a long walk from the Louvre and would take the metro myself.