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Paris in the spring

We are planning to go to paris in may (when rates are a bit cheaper we understand) for 10-12 days. A neighbor, who is a literature professor and travels there twice a year with her class, INSISTS that the latin quarter is the ONLY place to stay. We want to stay in an old building, in a small apartment or studio with loads of charm, quiet and safe, where we can walk to most anything. We have no problems with stairs. Presently considering the 4,5 and 6th arrondisments. Have found some great apartments on NYHABITAT.COM (a wonderful site with great detailed info on each unit, photos and maps) any advice regarding where to stay would be welcomed. We are a gay couple but do not necessarily want to be in the gay neighborhood and are not into nightlife...mostly food, gardens, and getting to know Paris and it's people, not the tourist attractions.

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2030 posts

those are all good arrondisements to be in. Pick one and enjoy!

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9436 posts

My favorites are the 4th, 5th and 6th. The Marais is in the 4th. My absolute favorite neighborhood to stay in is Ile Saint Louis (the little island behind Notre Dame). It's like a little village in the heart of Paris, surrounded by the Seine river. We used and were happy with them.

Don't miss the Luxembourg Gardens - my most favorite place of all.

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689 posts

There are parts of the Latin Quarter that I find interesting and charming, and parts I find overly touristy and not as pleasant (near the river). I would definitely disagree with your neighbor that it's the only place to stay, but even if you do decide to stay there, I'd read about your chosen part of the neighborhood carefully. The 7th IMO is the best food neighborhood, but you should be happy with the 4th-6th too. There are many descriptions of the arrondisments online. Make sure wherever you end up that a metro stop isn't too far (it shouldn't be in the neighborhoods you are looking in). There are tons of apartment reviews over on Since there's a lot of room for things to go wrong when renting an apartment, I like to read a review of the place before I commit, or at least read good reviews of the agency.

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1446 posts

Hi Normand,

I can personally recommend the Jeu de Clefs apartments, managed by Isabelle Féron. The Marais apt. near the Seine (Saint-Paul) and the Latin Studio would both fit the bill nicely for your needs. I found Mme Féron really easy to deal with. We rented the Marais Loft and were very happy with the rental.

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11507 posts

4th ,5th and 6th are all great,, and there are areas in the 5th that ARE too touristy and crowded for me anyways. I wonder if your friend has actually stayed in the other areas??

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448 posts

This has nothing to do with apt choices, but a book i suggest for gardens and "quiet corners" is QUIET CORNERS OF PARIS by Jean-Christophe Napias. I love his descriptions and he's helped me find "secret" places. I live outside of Paris and still go into the city for art expos, and to see my mother in law, but this book gives the extras.

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2349 posts

fyi-We found 2 yrs ago that spring in Paris was about 2 weeks ahead of Cincinnati and Indy, as far as flowers & trees were concerned. The weather was slightly warmer, but that obviously can change.