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Paris in mid-March

Is this an ok time to go, or not good? What about weather?

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8293 posts

Well, I live in Quebec and March is a nasty month here so I'd go to Paris in March without a second thought. I'd take a raincoat and an umbrella, and a good warm sweater and I would feel very smug about being in Paris when there are probably the least number of visitors.

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689 posts

My first trip to Paris was in March and the weather was pretty decent (50s), though I know it CAN be much colder. The nice thing about that March trip was that we saw many of the big sights without the crowds that come in high season. There were definitely still tourists around, but for example, we were in Paris this May and the line to get into St. Chappelle was about 2 blocks long--it was unbelievable. There was no line at all when we visited in March 2006. So make this the trip where you see the most famous museums, monuments, churches, etc, and someday come back when the weather is nicer and do more sitting outdoors at cafes, visiting parks, etc.

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506 posts

March is a reawakening time in Paris. The days are getting a bit longer. The trees and flowers begin to bud and flower. You will find the people getting out and about when they can to enjoy the outdoors.

Temperatures usually are a bit cooler than May. Layers and a good rain coat are helpful. Because it is the humidity levels that make the evenings a bit chilly. No worries about the outdoor cafes - many have heaters strategically placed for your comfort. Average highs are around 55, lows 40.

I think it is a great time to visit.

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2349 posts

We went at the very end of March this year. The grass was green and some flowers were blooming. A welcome change for us in Northern Indiana, but a lot cooler than Louisiana. The crowds were not bad at all. Weather changed frequently. We chose a mild sunny day to go to the Eiffel Tower, and by the time we were up high, it was cold and spitting rain. So ALWAYS take your jacket, hat, and gloves. And, bien sur, your scarf.

This was my first time in Paris, but I would much rather go when it was colder, than to go in the heat and be so crowded.

About Jona's comment on the outdoor heaters at cafes-at first I thought the people outside some of the cafes just showed its popularity, but it turned out it was due to the heaters. Some have them and some don't.

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129 posts

I must share my first time in Paris on the first day of Spring. We only had one day so we visited the Eiffle Tower to see the sunset over this beautiful city. After our dinner, I had a ride on the carosole just by the tower while taking bites of my cotton candy!!! It was a majical moment. Good luck to you in making your magical moments. Paris will be a wonderful place for you. We did spend a week in Paris a few years later, but that first memory is still the best. The weather was warm during the day but the evenings cooled a bit. I always pack long silk underwear (tops and bottoms). Just seems to keep the chill away.

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119 posts

ditto on the small crowds. we were in paris last april had some rain ane some sun. umbrellas, layers are a must. gloves were the best things we packed- plus pick up a parisian scarf or two as soon as you get there.if it is late march you are likely to see flowers and flowered trees. two previous trips in the summer were miserably hot!

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23 posts

I have visited Paris in March three times and have found the weather to be varied to say the least. Rain mixed with sleet kept me in the Louvre the better part of one afternoon. The next day it was sunny and cool. Wear layers and have a coat with a hood, an umbrella is impractical with the wind turning it inside out. Pack gloves, scarf, and a hat because you may need them. Don't take much room and it's better to have warm hands than not. Lines are almost nonexistant and you can enjoy the museums without a crowd crushing you. It's my favorite time to travel!

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157 posts


Been to Paris twice in March, bottom line No problem at all

Have a Great Trip