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Paris in August?

Usually, I travel abroad in June. But this year, I won't be able to travel until early August. Is that an OK time to visit Paris?

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800 posts

Yes. There is the possibility of being hot, but not as bad as somewhere like Spain. We were there late July and it was very lively.

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1806 posts

First time I ever went to Paris I spent several weeks there in August. August is the month many French families take vacation; however, in the weeks I was in the city I only encountered a few stores and a couple restaurants that had signs on the door that said they were closed for vacation. You really won't be affected as far as sightseeing, eating or lodging (you can actually find some decent deals on hotel rooms at some places in Paris during August). As for the weather, nobody can predict. That first trip in August I experienced about 3 days in the beginning when it was hot and I was glad I had booked a place with air conditioning, but after that, the temps dropped dramatically and there were even several days I was wearing a light jacket over a long sleeve shirt and jeans. Check the weather before you leave, but be prepared for just about anything.

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11507 posts

I have gone to Paris in May, June, July, August and, September . In terms of crowds and sightseeing, I have found absolutely no difference in the months, I have however found that some hotels do in fact offer lower rates in August, and higher in September. This is because business travel falls right off in August, so room inventory goes up,, whileas in September , trade shows and fashion season begins,, plus there are many tourists who "think" they are avoiding crowds, so rates can be higher and vacannies lower . A few restaurants do close in August, but very few close for the whole month now( like many used to decades ago) but the amount of restaurants still open is stupendus,, no need to worry about not being able to find somewhere to go.
In August there are fewer special exhibitions at galleries and museums, but this hardly affects the average tourist as there is still a million other things to do. As said by others, none of the museums or sites close, so you will not find your plans affected. Weather , forget about it, i have been hot as hades in August, and I have been cold enough to have to had gone out and buy more long sleeved tops,, so you can't plan a holiday around the weather. I do however make an effect to get a hotel with a/c, as I also would in June or July . I would ( and in fact will be ) to Paris in August again,, really is there ever a bad time to go to the most wonderful city in the world, lol

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10376 posts

My first trip to Paris was in early August 2006. Europe was just coming off a terrible heat wave, but by the time we hit Paris it was cool most of our 5 days there. Prices for lodging can be lower in August and I found very few restaurants closed. You will not have any trouble finding places to eat and all the tourist sites should be open. One cool thing in August is that the right bank of the Seine has been made into a beach. I would suggest finding a place with air conditioning, just in case it is hot. I have been in Paris in August, October, December and January. It is my favorite city and I don't think there is a bad time of year to be there!

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74 posts

just wanted to thank everyone for their comments. Will people in Paris laugh if I wear a short-sleeve shirt in hot weather?

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11507 posts

craig if its hot,, wear shorts too, but just not tight short ones,,everyone is allowed to laugh at those. Seriously, people worry that they won't be dressed like the locals, but Paris is a large city,, and the locals that are there are most likely on their way to or from work, so no, they are not wearing "vacation" clothes,, but when they are on holiday they would wear holiday clothes too, mind you , they mostly holiday in the country or the beach. Wife beaters are always laughable too,, so other then those and tight short shorts you are good to go.. should add, if you go to Italy all bets are off, no shorts in churches, in France they don't care as much.

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1010 posts

August is terribly hot. Their a/c over there leaves a lot to be desired. A lot of places are closed in August also. Most Parisians leave Paris for vacation, as the weather is so uncomfortable then.