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Paris Hotels

My guy and I will be in Paris for three days mid-May 2008 and are looking for a relatively inexpensive, decent (not a dump, definitely clean, but no bells and whistles are necessary) hotel not too far off the beaten path either in Paris proper or not too far out. Any suggestions?

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NOt trying to be flippant, but read a page here and you will see many hotels mentioned again and again.
My only concern would be you have left it a bit late, get cracking , the good , clean, nice , but still cheap hotels get booked up by Jan, Feb, you may hit it lucky though so hop to it.

Try Hotel des Grand Ecoles( no tvs)
Hotel Eugenie, or Mugent Hotel.

Keep in mind , hotels may be well located, staff may be nice, rooms will be clean, but one thing is for sure, rooms will be SMALL, this is a shock to most of us North Americans, that and small to non existant elevators.