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Paris hotel with kids - rue Cler?

My family is spending the summer in Italy, & I am planning our trip to Paris for mid-June. We have 2 daughters, 6 & 8. I would like to stay in the rue Cler area, but am having trouble finding a quad room. We are trying to keep it reasonable as our budget has to last 3 months.

Any suggestions?

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360 posts

Try Hotel de Turenne in the 7th a few blocks from the rue Cler. It's nothing special but very well located (close to the metro) & inexpensive. I've been comfortable there. I don't see that they have a quad, but email to see if they can fit another bed in a 3 bed room.

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3112 posts

I second Amanda's suggestion for Hotel Valadon. I stayed there a few years ago and it's very nice. Their website may have pictures of the family rooms.