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Paris Hotel and plenty of $28-35 per person per night hotels listed in the metro area. However, we are taking the train from Amboise to, according to one of the responders on a previous post, the Gare d'Aysterlitz station. Is this a good location to find a one-star hotel? At this Gare or the Gare de Lyon, which one has a train to the Charled De Gaul airport? Any recommendations relative to hotels? Thanks, Dorsey

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354 posts

Before committing to a $28/night hotel in Paris, make sure you spend some time on the TripAdvisor website. There might be completely legitimate reasons for such an inexpensive price. However, "red flags" would be: hotel located so far outside the central core that transportation each day takes a long time; located in an extremely noisy area (maybe next to a nightclub, or right on a busy highway, or under the final approach of an airport); located nowhere near a bus stop or a metro stop; or located in an unsavory part of the city. You can also read up on travelers' experiences with the cleanliness of rooms, accuracy of reservations, etc.

Maybe print a map of Paris and mark the location of hotels you are considering, to get an idea of their location in relation to your sight-seeing priorities.

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6788 posts

Sounds like good advice to me.

Everyone has their own needs, tastes, and standards, but knowing the cost of a decent hotel room in Paris, I would be extremely leery of hotels in the price range you mention here. I think would be your friend...