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Paris Hostel...not near Montmarte

I will be in Paris for four nights Sept 6-9 and looking for a hostel to stay in. All the ones I have found in the Let's Go book and hostel websites are near Montmarte but I would like to stay near Rue Cler. I know this is a more expensive area and I'm willing to pay a little more or stay in a budget hotel (maybe up to 60-70 euros). Any suggestions? Thank you.

Also will be in Arles, Madrid, Seville, and Barcelona. Suggestions for these are welcome too but I think I have more options for central hostels in these places.

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11507 posts

Melissa, why Rue Cler,, its a rather small area,, don't limit yourself just cause you read abuot it in a Rick Steves book. You do know that many of his own tours do NOT stay in Rue Cler area anyways.. there are so many great areas .

One place that is cheap and central is called Hotel Perfect,, it has hostel style rooms, AND private rooms with ensuites.

Also, a hotel with a GREAT location( wey better then rue Cler) is the Hotel Diana,, love the area, so close to so much and many cheap places to eat, plus you can walk to many sites. Rue cler, well there is the Eiffel Tower, but how many times do you plan on viisting it anyways.. likely just once.

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3313 posts

Melissa - There's really no reason to stay near the Rue Cler. Apart from that single street's market atmosphere (which is quickly deteriorating these days), the neighborhood is a rather austere series of government buildings and private apartments. There is not much to do at night there. I'm not kidding - a single Irish bar about four blocks away is it.

It's also surprisingly inconvenient. You can walk to the Eiffel Tower from the Rue Cler, but most of Paris' major sites require a Metro ride with at least one transfer.

I've stayed on the Rue Cler twice in the last fifteen years, having also been charmed by Rick Steve's descriptions. But it has lost many of its unique family businesses and become much more generic.

Have you looked into the Jules Verne hostel near Place Republique? It's close to the Rue Oberkampf that has a lot more going on.

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8293 posts

Under "General Europe" Norm has referred us to an article on hosteling in the NY Times. The Hostel in Paris, called Oops, sounds pretty good to me. 50 avenue des Gobelins, near the Latin Quarter. Private room, with bathroom, AC, WiFi, and Breakfast, 70 euro low season, 80 euro high season.

P.S. I just checked the Oops website and the rates are 60 low and 70 high.

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8700 posts

I suggest that you stay in one the three MIJE hostels in the Marais. They are renovated 17th-century private mansions in the area most closely resembling medieval Paris and are centrally-located. Both Rick Steves and Lonely Planet call them "the best budget accommodations in Paris."

Posted by
158 posts

Thank you, these are really great suggestions. I checked out a few of them and I really liked Oops. I couldn't find anything on Jules Verne Hostel (except for in Nantes) when I googled it though. Doug and pat-thanks for the 2nd and 3rd opinion on Rue Cler, sometimes I need to be reminded not to plan my whole trip around what one person recommends :-)

Posted by
166 posts

Hi Melissa,

I'm going to Spain this summer and have just booked at Oasis Backpackers Hostel in Sevilla. Though I haven't stayed there yet, I've heard really good things about it. And I have also heard that around 3 times a week they offer outings/fun things to do (like go to a tapas bar together, a flamenco show, ect). Might want to check it out!

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3313 posts

Melissa - sorry.

Faulty memory. I was suggesting the Jules Ferry hostel.

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35 posts

Residence Du Palais in the 6th right across the street from the jardin du luxembourg, it was very nice in dec it was 55 euro a night, not so much a hostel but a budget hotel, you have a sink and shower in the room and a toilet down the hall.