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Paris: have you eaten the the university refectories or at cooking schools?

Have you eaten at the Parisian University refectories ("Restos U") before? Are there any cooking schools where they serve up their prepared food to paying patrons? Sounds like a very nice excuse to talk to local strangers over a meal!

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10522 posts

In olden times we needed a Universite de Paris student ID to eat at the student restaurants. Don't know if the International Student ID works. In the 1970s we were served lots of carbs: noodles, potato, rice, and bread on the same plate, yogurt or cheese, a little bit of meat and vegies, and a piece of fruit for 3 francs--50 to 60 cents. When my son lived in the dorms ten years ago, the menus were about the same. You gotta be hungry.

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337 posts

Yes, Restos U's accept international student ID. Everything in there has three prices: the lowest for students enrolled in one of the schools of CROUS Paris, a slightly higher one for other university students (including international), and an even higher one (in the 5-10 euro for a meal range) for "guests" (that is everyone else).

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228 posts

Thanks for the replies! I've printed off a map of where the college cafeterias/restaurants are and will tuck them into my DK Paris book for inexpensive lunches! It looks like it'll be a great choice, with lots of options and great conversation with Europe's, perhaps the world's youths while eating!

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337 posts

Bets, I have eaten there only once maybe four or five years ago, and frankly I have no recollection of the meal other than "noodles."
The main thing I remember is the three level price structure (because German university cafeterias only have two: students and guests) and that the ones with a German student ID had to get some kind of voucher first.

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2297 posts

My time as a student in Paris was about 20 years ago ... but yes, I used the resto to save some money. But only once a week when they had the Northafrican style couscous meal on the menu. Everything else I found rather forgettable. I studied in Rennes for a year and the resto there was much better. Will you be there in the summer? There won't be many "locals" but mostly other foreign students to converse with.

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2297 posts

My time as a student in Paris was about 20 years ago ... but yes, I used the resto to save some money. But only once a week when they had the Northafrican style couscous meal on the menu. Everything else I found rather forgettable. I studied in Rennes for a year and the resto there was much better. Will you be there in the summer? There won't be many "locals" but mostly other foreign students to converse with.