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Paris- Flea Markets. Where do Parisians sell their old "junk", or do they?

We love Flea Markets and on our first/only trip to Paris we went out to the big Puce St. Ouen/Clignancourt and while we had fun, it didn't offer much of what we were looking for. We enjoyed 'window shopping' in the VERY expensive antique booths/stores (not at our F. Mkts.), and we bought a few shirts for the kids back home (yes, at all our F. Mkts.), but there wasn't anything in "junk/moderately priced old stuff" like we have at our flea markets here. We kept commenting that Parisians have a different idea of flea markets than us, and kept asking "What do they do with their old junk...maybe they throw things out?" We were actually walking back to the Metro when I passed a guy outside the bounds of the Flea Market with a few items on the ground...perfection! An old brass/glass antique clip on headlight from an old French car (my parents still have on their mantle, not in great shape, but I cleaned it up) and a huge metal collander/grater with a red wooden handle that says "France" (I collect old kitchen tools with red wooden handles...let's just say the Flea Mkt. gods were with me that day, much to my husband's dismay on how we were going to pack it for home). It has a place of honor on the wall of my kitchen with about 300 other tools and is my favorite souvenir. So now you know the kind of junk we like/looking for (my friends call it my "rust collection").

The kids are going with us this trip and they love to Flea Mkt. for junk too (one son collects old bottles and glass telephone insulators)...where can I find this kind of stuff? I see the two other F. Mkts. in the RS book- Vanves & Montreuil, but are these more of the same? I'm wondering how to find out about smaller local ones, thinking I might find more "garage sale" kinds of things? I found mention of one at place St. Sulpice, but I don't know how old that info. was on Google. We'll be there mid-May so I'm hoping these will be springing up there as they do here. Help anyone?

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711 posts

I think you would like Port de Vanves flea market. There is something for everyone. Easy to get there on the metro, also.

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59 posts

We will also be in Paris Mid-May, arriving early Sunday May 11th. We wanted to do the big flea market that day but if it is as you say, I think I'd just as soon pass that and find smaller ones. I hope someone knows the answer to your post, I want to scrounge around, not look at overpriced stuff that may or may not be antique. Need to find a goodie, not spend a ton of €. I have Antique shops here.
And besides, most of the fun is in the hunt.

Staying on Rue Cler handy to Metro so getting around to other markets won't be a problem.

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251 posts

Yeah, garage sale/flea markets are hard to come by in France. It seems like it is either Antiques or Africans selling sweat pants and cheap underwear (though that is an experience that is unique) I always miss them when I am there. One thing, the French typically don't amass quite as much junk as we do, another thing is that is a very American tradition (though garage sales are becoming more popular).

Your best bet of finding yardsales in Paris is to find a Marche Puce that is local, within your little neighborhood. Sometimes these are advertised, or posted in the square that holds whatever market is closest. They aren't everyday and are usually once a week or everyother week. You can also ask at the local Marie

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683 posts

We disagree that such markets are hard to come by in France. Flea markets have been ongoing in France and many other countries long before the US even existed.
Garage sales are another matter. We dont ever remember seeing a notice telling of that kind of sale.

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448 posts

In France a flea market is now primarily professional dealers of antiques or not so sold.
A brocante is for private people and professionals, organized by the mairie of the community or arrondisment in Paris.
Vide-greniers (empty the attic) are very local and countryside, but still local government controlled.
I don't really know the laws but it has something to do with selling and not paying taxes.
Brocantes and vide greniers are usually just once a year in the area or town.
I don't know if Pariscope lists brocantes, but i do know they are listed for the Paris area (and city) in the "Sortir" section of Télérama, the Arts and Entertainment magazine.
........But as far as i know, still no "garage sales" in france....In our town, every other month on the lst Thursday, the Grande Poubelle, we're allowed to put non-garbage on the sidewalk, and people do drive around looking for "good stuff"...chairs with 3 legs, broken mirrors , that sort of thing.......

So for Paris...check Brocantes .

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49 posts

You should definitely try Emmaus (also in many other French towns). I suppose the markets inside Paris are mostly for chlotes, but outside you can find big flea markets that sell practically everything. Here are some adresse in Paris and Paris region:

Paris :
4e : 22 boulevard Beaumarchais, tél. 01 47 00 70 44
11e : 54 rue de Charonne, tél. 01 48 07 02 28
20e : 105 bd Davout, tél. 01 46 59 13 06
20e : 340 rue des Pyrénées, tél. 01 40 33 69 07

Région Parisienne :
Alfortville : 8 rue Victor Hugo, tél. 01 43 53 11 38
Chanteloup : 9 rue d’Andresy tél. 01 39 27 01 92
Ivry sur Seine : 73 bd de Brandebourg tél. 01 46 71 95 31
Poissy : 5 rue aux moutons tél. 01 39 65 35 83
Pontoise : 1 rue de la Bretonnerie tél. 01 30 38 08 80
St Mande : 11 avenue Jeoffre, tél. 01 43 65 26 69
Villiers S/ Marne : 7 rue Louis Renoir, tél. 01 49 30 22 66.

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448 posts

Emmaus is the equivalent of Goodwill or Salvation Army stores...not a "flea market"....and yes, i loved Abbé Pierre...

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213 posts

Wow! Regina & Maria, GREAT information! I'll ask our landlord about a broucantes in our area (we're also in the 7th Pat). We'll also make a point of getting to the Emmaus (my daughter loves Goodwill/second hand shops here, so this is perfect).

I just spent some time getting to know Abbé Pierre; I hadn't heard of him, and I'm Catholic. What a wonderful life!

Thanks so much!

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448 posts

Thrilled to have actually been a bit useful and glad you "met" Abbé Pierre. He had his controversial moments but was much loved.
Check the Wednesday newspapers..most of the arts and entertainment sections will have brocante listings

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59 posts

Hi Nancy, If you find any spots that seem to be real flea markets, please post or PM me. I seem to have trouble finding some of the threads here on RS site. We'll be a week on Rue Cler, arriving May 11, then it is off to Burgundy for a few days. It is just about now that I start to get very jittery. Don't like to fly but...what can you do.