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Is a week in Paris too long?

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2081 posts

hi, depends on what you want to do/see while yorue there and if you want to go outside of Paris. I spent 4.5 days there last spring and i saw just about everything I wanted and planned on seeing. I could still see more thing too. Also, i should state that i didnt go outside of Paris. happy trails.

Posted by
9436 posts

Not too long at all. You will never run out of fun things to do. Paris isn't just sights to check off on a list. It is so much more than that.

Posted by
1501 posts

Hi, Don! I saw a Russian guy on TV once who was asked about Russians "eating
caviar." His response: Russians don't 'eat' caviar, we 'enjoy' caviar! This is my attitude when traveling. No such thing as too long in a city like Paris, London, Rome, Florence,.......don't go just to "see" it, go to "enjoy" it. Paris is impossible to describe. Of course there's the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and all of the other sites you've seen in pictures, but to sit in a cafe and drink it in, picnic at the Eiffel -- and take the boat ride on the Seine, that IS Paris, and a week couldn't possibly be too long! A day-trip to Versailles may help mid-week......if you must, but please take the time to enjoy Paris.

Posted by
3398 posts

No! We spent 5 weeks in and around Paris and still need to go back for more! There is so can certainly hit the highlights in a week but Paris is the kind of city where you just want to walk and get lost. One can never spend too much time there. Enjoy!

Posted by
262 posts

Never enough time in Paris. Start planning what you will do and you will see
that there are not enough days to see and do what you like. Happy Travels!

Posted by
11528 posts

No, not for me, my shortest ( of multiple visits) was 9 days and it was TOO short! If you wish to do a few daytrips then a week is really the minimum time for a visit.. and there are many daytrips to do.. What are your interests, what age bracket and energy level are you , give us some ideas so we can suggest activities and daytrips you may enjoy.. Everyone has different tastes, but seriously a week is rarely too long in any amazing city and Paris is definitely in the top 5 of amazing cities in the world.. ( and the great transport options to visit outside the city make it an ideal base for daytripping)

Posted by
6713 posts

Don: You're kidding, right? Even if you avoid ALL the museums, a week isn't too long!

Posted by
1103 posts

We spent 10 days in Paris last year, and it was not enough. There are few great cities that are so richly multi-layered: Paris and Rome come to mind. In Italy, they have a saying: Roma, non basta una vita - For Rome, one lifetime is not enough. In my mind, the same statement could apply to Paris.

Posted by
277 posts

We spent three weeks in Paris in 2011 and would go back for another three in a heartbeat.

Posted by
5 posts

There is so much to see and do in Paris!!! One week is def not too long.. If you want to enjoy the most of it, you can walk to one place to another, buildings, small parks, everything is really nice! When you go out at night do not hesitate to go for a cab it will be nicer! I advice you to download a free app call Taxibeat, that allow you to e-hail your cab (and choose one who speaks English for example ;))
Enjoy your stay

Posted by
335 posts

I've been to Paris 8X, the last time for 2 months but mostly for a week or two, and I'm STILL finding new things to do (and old one favorites to repeat)! A week is just an appetizer for this most wonderful of cities. Your first trip, you'll just be doing the "biggie, touristy" things but on subsequent trips you can search out the "behind the scenes" things that are less touristy and more fun. Bon voyage!

Posted by
15 posts

No. No. No. Been there twice, once for just about 2 or 3 days and last time for a week. There is so much to do - even without going into the art museums! Plus, there are great day trips...Monet's gardens at Giverny, Versailles. Have fun!

Posted by
73 posts

I hope not, we'll be there 10 days in September before heading to Nice/Monaco for 4 days..

Posted by
34 posts

This is my 8th time back in 6 years - each time over, I have been there at least 1 week. You can never get tooo much of Paris. And if you did, you just use it as a home base and travel on short trips to other parts of Europe. We did a quick 1-day trip to Karlsruhe/Iffezheim area.

Posted by
262 posts

OMG, never enough time. So much to see. Spent 2 weeks last September and was not enough. Going back again this year for at least two more. Happy Travels!!

Posted by
7 posts

Hi Don As already wrote by others it depnds on what are your interest. Ons suggestion is to take the tGV from paris and go to visit either Lyon, Avignon or Marseille I am a native from Provence so I will most recommand Avignon and Provence. It will be very different as scenary and weather ! I am from a wine village TAVEL next to Avignon and this is also very different. All opportunity are in your hands In France nothing is far anyway compare to your country. If you want to have a good idea of France I will suggest to go off Paris because we are 65 millions of people and only 8 lives in Paris, most of us lives in a countryside next to a town. If you decide to stay in a village next to a town double check if you can have bus going to town if you do not oan to rent a car. I am at your disposal if needed