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paris dress code

What is in as for as women's dress in Paris during day and evenings? Thanks

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10344 posts

You can actually see what people in Paris are wearing on the street during the day, using Google Maps, go here , enter paris, france in the box on top, zoom in until you see the little orange man on the left side, then use Street View by dragging the orange man to any street location in Paris you want to check out. You can clearly see what people are wearing, people who haven't used this are surprised at the detail.But you won't be able to use Google to see Parisians inside buildings or at night. In the evenings, Parisians may dress up, depending on where they're going--it's difficult to generalize.

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6 posts

Thanks to all of you for your suggestions and information

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6 posts

Thanks to all of you for the suggestions and information

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135 posts

Max, I saw a lot more women wearing dresses and skirts in Paris than one would see in Atlanta, New York or Boston. Also, most of them were wearing fashionable heels for walking around the city instead of comfortable shoes. Sorry, can't report on evening wear....

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10798 posts

I think how you dress depends on what you are doing. Also, what time of year are you talking about? We were there this last winter and saw most women wearing jeans or black pants. I have also been there in the summer, where a skirt, dress or capris might work out better. If you are going out to a nice restaurant you would want to dress a little better than if you were going to a more casual place. In my opinion, the most important thing is to be comfortable, especially when it comes to shoes. You will be doing a lot of walking.

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11525 posts

Well there is no dress code of course. It is a big city with all types.
Generally you will see very little " beach wear" in summer, most ladies prefer skirts or sun dresses to shorts, but longer shorts and capris are worn by many women.

Jeans , nice jeans, are very in, and can be dressed up for a casual dinner out with a nice blouse and heels. Or worn more casually during day. Baggy jeans are not in for either sex. I noticed French males wear closer fitting t shirts then my teen boys usually do.

I do not recall seeing belly tops or really skimpy shorts on anyone,, but as I said, its a big city, I am sure someone somewhere might have that look. I saw a few young females wearing flip flops, but mostly the under 20 set. Good sandals and shoes are important for tourists, we walk more then usual.

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2030 posts

Wear dark or subdued colors, don't dress overly casual. Jeans and t-shirts is not a look you will see Parisian women (that are not teenagers)wearing. Above all don't wear white running shoes. there are plenty of othere nice comfortable shoes you can get for walking. Once you are there though you will observe French women and realize there is really no way you can prepare to dress like them -- when you see them, and all the wonderful shops, you may be inspired to pick up a few things and imitate their style a bit. It's fun.

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283 posts

I have posted this before. You might want to look at some of the other threads....

Posters are correct--dress is less casual. I did pick up a tip for last year--if you are taking jeans, take the dark variety, not washed out. I try to choose a color scheme, so I can mix and match all the items.

No sneakers, but some nice walking shoes. Scarves! In the summer, necklaces really jazz up an outfit.

Unless you are going somewhere fancy, the nice day clothes work at night, too.

Most of all--HAVE FUN!

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11525 posts

On another board I go on we have serveral locals, apparenty white runners are in this year, as are silver ones, ( these are fashion runners, Puma style) . White jeans are also very in, but , in my opinion not practical for travellers who do not have a washing machine available. Remember , what a local wears to work is not the same as what they would wear when they are on holiday. Its like saying all New Yorkers dress like the workers on Wall street area.

And, BG, I am sorry, but French women most definately do wear jeans, fashionable jeans, and heels. Like anywhere though, after a certain age, jeans are not so popular.. ( but I mean over 50 or 60 at least, )

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13 posts

As a woman, I have one comment, based on personal experience during my visit to Paris...don't wear pastels. You stick out like a sore thumb. I saw alot of black, red and dark colors in general. I was the only one wearing a pastel blue windbreaker. Felt like a dufus.

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2030 posts

I know French women wear jeans, and I've worn jeans in Paris myself -- my point was they don't wear them like many American women do with short-sleeved t-shirts and white running shoes. Not at all. Sue's post above is right on.

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11525 posts

Well I sure didn't mention t shirts, frankly I assumed people understood how to dress stylishly in jeans,, but I suppose you are right in making it clear, "farm wear" is not appropriate.

The runners thing came to me from a poster who lives and works in Paris, in fashion, so I will take her word on it,, as I said, white and silver type Pumas are in.. not Nike joggers.

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4 posts

Parisian women are extremely elegant and style-conscious. In the US wearing nice jeans and a blouse can be considered "dressing up." Not so in Paris. The major faux pas would be college sweat shirts, flip flops, or cut offs. Wear comfortable shoes during the day for sightseeing but for going out at night something nicer. Basically dress like you would if you were going to a dinner party and if you're actually going out like if you were going to a formal party. You really cannot overdress.

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29 posts

Women in France, Paris included, where skinny jeans, flats, and more muted colors. Greys, blacks, and whites are the colors you will see a lot. Women will dress it up with a brightly colored scarf. Scarves are everywhere! And that's the way to jazz up a seemingly boring outfit.

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16 posts

Glad I brought my jeans to France. The trick is they must be dark wash, slim to skinny, no pleats, no "mom jeans", no acid wash. Wear them tucked into black boots. Everyone wears boots with pants tucked in. Slim pants. Black stretchy ones. Ultra skinny jeans. I am so glad I brought those boots!

When I read so much advice to Americans about what to wear and how to fit in, the elephant in room is never discussed. The number one thing Americans can do to NOT stick out is lose weight. There it is. Get slim and dress in black and you will fit in. Big bellies, waddling butts. That is what sticks out in crowd.
Don't wear athletic shoes. Yes, the Pumas and Munros are fine but big Nikes are out. Even metallic Pumas are chic. Unless you have perfect figure, don't show too much skin. Skip little tank tops. Women of a certain age keep covered.
Keep pastels to low roar. Use scarves and lots of em.
In my opinion, khaki cargo type pants and shorts really spell tourist. All those pockets and zippers, gads. I know people like them but if you want to blend in, leave em home. Did I mention to wear black? Grey, brown, navy. Can't go wrong adding a white tailored shirt or Tshirt. A fitted blazer is must.
Chic black trousers or little black dress for dinner you will be fine. Pashmina shawl tossed over all.

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711 posts

I had to laugh when I read your question. We are photographers and travel every year to Paris and other beautiful places in France I have always prided myself on looking good in Paris. I tend to wear black..slacks and turtleneck or some form of that . We photograph the markets and I have acquired many scarves which Parisien women love. But last year I got my first " I cannot believe you are wearing that " look from an older Parisien woman. We were there in early November right before the election here. It was very rainy and cold.. I had my Columbia raincoat rolled up in my suitcase and thrww it on and put the hood up it was soooo cold. But I am 60 and in France 60 year old women wear lovely trenchcoats with a lovely umbrella , etc. When we ventured out of the hotel to go to the Saxe Breteuil Market.. very upscale.. I got some incredible looks. I had my scarf on though. LOL.

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155 posts

Hmmmm, just stumbled on this thread.

I will be in Rome and Florence in a couple of days. The one pair of jeans that I am bringing has a flared leg. My daughter said it would be good. Now I am wondering. Should I leave that at home? I am in the "over 60" age group. \


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800 posts

NanC - Have you checked the forecast for Rome & Florence for June? I'm 50 and HATE being hot. I'd not bring jeans to Italy at this time of year - fashionable or not.