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Paris--Cluny Museum

For anyone planning to be in Paris in the next few weeks the Cluny Museum is open at no charge until June 30th. Sign said government was "running a test". You still have to stand in line to get an entry receipt, however. This was our only museum this trip, so I wouldn't be surprised if there were other museums running the same test -- maybe someone else can chime in. We decided to just explore the streets and not be rushing from place to place but did want to re-visit the Cluny since we'd only had an hour there when we visited in 2005. Aside from the wonderful "Lady and the Unicorn" tapestries which are awesome the history of the museum site itself is well worth the visit.

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7 posts

Thanks Faith.
My family will be in Paris in July and the Cluny is one museum that we want to visit. My son is interested in so many things.......I hope we can fit it in.

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31 posts

If you go to the "updates" section of Rick Steve's Paris on this site, there's all the info about this, as well as a list of participating museums.