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paris catacombs?

In my last trip to Paris, we forgot to check out the paris catacombs. Is it worth going? Suggestions? Tips?

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11507 posts

Michelle I took my 14 yr old son at his request. I was not wild on idea as I am mildly claustrophobic. I survived my marching through it as fast as I could even though darn son kept wanting to stop and look at things,, LOL I just wanted OUT!

Was it worth it, yes it was, to him especially it was a highlight. When hubby took our next son the next year he also wanted to go there, and also loved it.

The tunnels were also used by resistance during war, so it is kind of interesting, and imagining poor miners having to chip them out hundreds of years ago before electric lights, well that is fasinating also. I also thought of each person who lay there, that these were real people ,with their own stories to tell, so yes, it was worth it.

Now, that said, when we went there was NO line, it only took an hour and a bit, and it was not expensive.

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1455 posts

Thanks!! My husband is a bit claustrophobic as well, but if you can do it, I am sure he can too!

This trip I am bringing my 17 year old niece, and its her first visit to Paris (actually 1st time outside the US!). SO This should be a kick for her!

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1170 posts

Oh Pat, I don't think I would like that very much...

But now I am getting a little more curious, I might need to do some reading up and see if we can manage. I have gone into caves both here and abroad. Does it feel like you're in a cave?

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11507 posts

Eli,, yes, it is very confining in some parts, first you walk through tunnels, quite a distance, and you can touch the sides with your two arms spread, and cieling seemed low too, about 7 feet. But, it does " open up" a bit when you get down to the bone galleries ,, it really was me marching through and gritting teeth, son was happy as a clam.

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1806 posts

Absolutely worth the time/money! I will say that when walking down the tunnels before you get to the main area there are some spots that aren't very well lit and the ground is a little uneven. I happened to have a key chain with a small flashlight on it, and used it.

Also, the entrance and where you actually exit the Catacombs are in two completely different neighborhoods, so plan your time in each area accordingly.

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211 posts

I would just check out make sure the catacombs are open before you go. They have been closed since November, and are scheduled to open in May, but no definte date is on the website.

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213 posts

Vanessa- Thanks for the heads up on the closing. We're going in May, so I definately call before we go. I was surprised this wasn't already on the RSs update list for the Paris 2008 book since it's been closed so long (I did check and someone had submitted the update as guidebook feedback). Thanks!

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506 posts

Just a small note beyond the small space - there are a considerable amount of stairs to climb at the end of the 2km stroll underground - approximately 90 steps.

I have been and found that it is a nice piece of Paris history to explore. Much of the information is in French however - but you can find lots of details online through a simple Google search.