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Paris and Switzerland

My wife and I are arriving in Zurich 3/27. We are planning to fly to Paris or take the TVG and stay for 4 days, then return to Zurich. Then we are planning to rent a car and drive to Appenzell, Vaduz, Luzern, Lugano, Interlaken, Bern, returning to Zurich and leaving on 4/11. Should we spend the time to go to Lugano? Would it be better to go by rail rather than car? If we use a car what is the best GPS to take? We have been to Zermatt, Lausanne, and Geneva recently so that area is off the table. Any helpful hints including lodging will be appreciated. Thanks.

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3696 posts

I have driven to Lugano so I don't know about car vs train, but I can tell you it was one of my most favorite places. Granted, it was my first trip to Europe and I had the best asparagus risotto in an outdoor cafe that I had ever tasted.... but, I have returned a few times and for me it was well worth it. I did not spend the night there, but it looked like there were lots of lovely hotels.

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32253 posts

Joe, The first question that comes to mind is why not fly into Paris and depart from Zurich? Although the trip via TGV is only about four hours, the entire change of location is going to use basically a full travel day to Paris and then back. Your trip appears to be about 16-days total, including travel days. The trip to Paris and travel time will use five days, which leaves about 11-days to visit seven locations. That's an average of about 1.5 days in each place, with no allowance for travel times. Whether you use a rental car or travel by train, that trip is going to be "challenging" at best and perhaps impossible. I'm not sure you have the time to add Lugano! I use a Garmin Nüvi GPS and have been very pleased with it. I'd suggest not trusting a GPS implicitly, as they do make mistakes, so pack along a good Map also. It will be easier to offer lodging suggestions once you've had a further look at this Itinerary. There's no point in suggesting lodgings in a city that you probably won't be able to get to. You might find it very helpful to purchase a copy of the Switzerland Guidebook. It's currently "on sale" for $13.95 and also available in E-book format. Cheers!

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33183 posts

It can be easily done by train, efficiently. Parking in Lugano can be a challenge. I speak from experience. If staying in Interlaken you will have to go up the valley. See the book. You will have to park. The villages above the valley are car free and you have to use cable cars or trains to reach them. Parking in Bern can be a challenge, arriving by train is easy. Appenzell is easiest, IMHO, by car. Vaduz is a non-event, only maybe a box check exercise. Luzern can be quite expensive to park in. I've parked on the street but now usually park next to the station.

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2 posts

From the information received I think I am hearing it is best to fly to Paris. Liechtenstein was added because we have never been there, sounds like a non event. The planned trip may sound ambitious, but we are more about the journey rather than the destination. We have been to Interlaken and are familiar with Murren and Gimmelwald. The Swiss Rail Pass may be the way to go. I agree about the GPS, it is a convenience. I never leave home without map and compass. I really appreciate all of your helpful comments. Thank you, Joe