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Paris accomodations-where for Mom and dgt?

Will have 7 days in Paris with 19 yr old dgt. Want safe, central,easy to manage. Is Rue Cler the area, in a small hotel? (Recommendations appreciated, as I continue to look at Rick's picks) Catching an early morning EasyJet to Milano at end of trip, so want to make that. Thanks savvy travelers.

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509 posts

I am leaving for Paris tomorrow and am staying in an apartment I rented through Relais Bosquet. It is near the Rue Cler area. When I get back I will let you know details about the apartment and whether or not I would recommend it.

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2030 posts

Any of Rick's recommended hotels in the rue Cler area would be fine, particularly if this is your first trip to Paris. No matter what area of town you stay in, you will probably want to book an early shuttle van to the airport - which is about a 45 minute trip (particularly in early morning commute time). I caught the early Easyjet flight to Milan last September -- got picked up around 6:00.

Lot's of people recommend taking the RER out to CDG, and it is a lot cheaper to be sure, but I have never done this. To me it is worth being picked up and dropped off exactly where I need to be.

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251 posts

For 7 days in Paris I would definatley look into to a apartment rental. There are studios available for 300-400E a week (even in summer), not to mention you have a place to crash, pee, and cook your own meals, (not all of them of course but if your budget needs a break or you just want an excuse to shop in those fantastic markets.)

Also are you sure your 19yo old wants a quiet place. The Latin Quarter or Marias are lively places for a younger crowd, but not rowdy or too loud, very safe, but with night life. (You could crash in the apartment while she goes and listens to music in club)

I don't know where EasyJet flys from (Orleons?) but any airport is easy to reach from anywhere in the city.

We have had good luck with

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11507 posts

Note the RER will not get you to the airport if your flight is very early, I mean, it (RER) starts about 5am, so if your flight is a 6 am that won't work. Are you flying out of CDG or Orly?? ( or Beauvais, which is quite far out)

I would also consider staying in the 5th or 6th ( rather then ricks fave the 7th) , I am a middle aged women who travels alone and with my kids, and I prefer them.

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151 posts

We used (nice name, right?) They let us put down the initial deposit through PayPal. The apartment was wonderful and we were able to communicate directly with the owner. It was a great experience.

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852 posts

Margaret, above is a web site for VacationInParis. They manage apartments for individual owners. VacationInParis has its HQ in the USA. You may call them toll-free; click on "contacts" to get the number. You could have the key to your own cool Paris apartment before you leave Augusta. bon voyage!...p

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9439 posts

I agree with Pat, I prefer the western part of the 5th or the 6th arrondissement, I don't care for the Rue Cler neighborhood at all. Everywhere you go there, all you see are Americans with Rick's book clutched in their hands. Rue Cler is not the quaint, charming Paris that I like. My favorite of all though, is Ile St. Louis (the little island behind Notre Dame Cathedral). We are staying there at Hotel de Lutece in August. It's in Rick's book and we are getting a nice double for 160 Euro's per night. To me, it's the best part of Paris.

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509 posts

I just got back from Paris yesterday. We loved the apartment we rented through the Relais Bosquet. It was extremely nice and even had a washer and dryer. Anyone wanting to go to Paris should seriously consider going there in the off-season. I did not see ONE Rick Steves book which really surprised me. And we were staying in the Rue Cler area. We saw very few Americans at all. We were only there for four nights but saw quite a few things. We had planned to go to Mont St. Michel on Sunday, but when we woke up Sunday morning my friend, who wanted to go to Mont St. Michel in the first place, decided she wanted to stay in Paris.

Weather was good but cold. It was partly cloudy when we arrived, drizzly on Friday, and sunny on Saturday and Sunday. I don't think we could have had a better time.