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Painted Eggs in Salzburg

Has anyone been to the store that sells painted easter eggs in Salzburg? I have been unable to find the address online and wanted to go while we are there. Thanks.

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61 posts

Thank you. I knew that it had to be online somewhere, but I was just not finding it this morning.

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1633 posts

My daughter said it's by McDonald's. I had forgotten about these eggs--they are beautiful. In Prague, this is also a local art, however, they aren't painted with scenes on them. Have fun!

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126 posts

Right across the way from the restaurant, Saran Essbar at Judengasse 10. I will warn you to take special precaution bringing the eggs home, as imagined they are very fragile. One of the four I bought was cracked when I got home.

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113 posts

My most treasured souveniers from Salzburg were the painted eggs. There were several stores that are all very near to each other and because Salzburg is not very big I don't think you'll have any trouble stumbling upon them. The stores are right in there with all the other cute shops with the fancy signs just a block or so up from the river. I bought a dozen which were packaged in an egg carton of course. I carried them in my backpack to Vienna, then Prague and back to Minneapolis without a crack. I absolutely love them.

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2023 posts

The eggs are beautiful but expensive--10 euros each. There were Easter and Christmas themed eggs but my favorite were the Halloween eggs that were painted up like Jack-o-lanterns. It would be a shame to arrive home and find that they did not survive the trip.