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Pack a skirt for France?

I'll be in northern France (Normandy, Loire, Paris) in July and I'd like to bring a skirt for comfort and to keep me cool. It is below the knees. Good idea?

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51 posts

I say great idea, if you normally wear skirts or feel comfortable wearing them. I find skirts much more comfortable for travel in the summer.

Have a great trip!

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506 posts

Skirts are very common for day to day wear in the summer for the exact reason you mention - keeping cool.

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1455 posts

Elisabeth, Only pack it if you are used to wearing a skirt. This post has been discussed in the past, and if you're normally not a skirt wearer, then more likely than not, your skirt will stay in the suitcase. Skirts are very nice to have, and they take up little room... but only if you plan on wearing it. :)