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Overwhelmed by Paris hotel search

Hi all - I'm researching hotels in Paris and I don't know where to book. We're two people, our budget is about $150 per night or 120 euros, and we'd like a room with a private bathroom. I'm looking at places in the 7th, 6th, and 4th so we can walk to some of the sights without always taking transit. Suggestions welcome!

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9435 posts

Try: Hotel du 7e Art @ (in the 4th) Hotel Jeanne D'Arc @ (in the 4th) Hotel Familia, Hotel St. Jacques (in the 5th) And the hotel in the hospital called "Hotel Dieu" which is next to Notre Dame. I think it's in RS Paris guide, not sure, but you can google it. Have heard lots of good things about it. I know Pat has lots of good hotels she recommends, maybe she'll see this and respond. Or you can can use the Search option on the Helpline and find past threads on this topic. You don't say when you'll be in Paris, hopefully not soon b/c the good ones get booked up quickly.

Posted by
1014 posts

How many days? When are you going? If 5days or more, then a studio apartment can and probably will be cheaper. We use an apt. in the 9th, and it is a 20-30 min. walk to the Louvre.

Posted by
81 posts

Hi Sarah, Depending on the time of year, it can indeed be overwhelming to search out a hotel in Paris. In seems like just when you've found the perfect hotel, the rates go up or it is booked. Last June we stayed at the Hotel Cluny Sorbonne and I can highly recommend it. It should be in your price range, right around 100 Euros/night with private bathroom. It is in an excellent location, within easy walking distance to the river, the Pantheon and Luxembourg Gardens and affordable restaurants. The bus stop and Metro are close also. I usually use for hotels, but in this case, I booked off their website.
Good luck and enjoy your trip!

Posted by
137 posts

Sarah, we've stayed at the Hotel des Nations Saint Germain on Rue Monge 5th. It is in the Latin Quarter epicenter of the French Revolution with many narrow, cobblestoned streets.Had a great view of Notre Dame from the balcony, inexpensive and breakfast included. Try One block away from the Roman Amphitheatre of Lutece.
< 2 blocks to Metro station Place Monge. Easy walk to Notre Dame and Louvre.

Posted by
212 posts

We stayed in the 7th because of needing to be near our kids living there. We focused on Rick's Paris book recommendations for that area and went with the Londres Eiffel hotel, which was just fine. Nothing glamourous but very nice. And it turned out that it was the hotel his tour group uses.

Posted by
1976 posts

Sorry! I knew I forgot something. We'll be there for 8 nights, Sept. 14 - 21. I looked into apartments but I've never gone that route before and am a little intimidated. Thanks for your help so far! I'll look into these.

Posted by
873 posts

Eight nights. I am very jealous. For that many nights, definitely try and get an apartment. Try,, and for rentals, as well as the regular ones like and Just take usual precautions like Googling the apartment location, checking it out on TA, and not giving your credit card number in an email if requested.
Otherwise, try Hotel Leveque. It's nothing fancy, but has private bathrooms and it's in your price range.

Posted by
12172 posts

I usually start at and look at ratings for hotels and b&b's in my price range. From that I get a short list of hotels that look decent and go from there. I give extra points for recommendations from regulars here.

Posted by
1833 posts

If you have 8 nights, you might want to consider splitting your stay between two districts. We did this our last time in Paris; it took us about two hours to check out of the first hotel, taxi to the other one, and check in.......We did it because we wanted to be near the ET for a few nights to enjoy the evening sparkles and the picnic atmosphere and then near Notre Dame a few evenings to enjoy the street performers......It was interesting to gain a different perspective on Paris by changing neighborhoods. If you want the names of the hotels we used, send me a PM.

Posted by
1068 posts

If you want that "village Paris" feel within a 10 minute walk from the Eiffel Tower, I recommend l'Hotel Hameau, at 48 rue de Passy. My husband and I stay there every time we are in Paris (at least once a year). You don't say when you are traveling - and rates here go up in peak season, as they do everywhere else. We usually stay in December or early April, when prices are about 120 Euros/night. The neighborhood is awesome - it's in the 16th arrondissement - and the hotel is smack dab between 2 Metro stops. It is also convenient to the #72 bus, which runs along the Seine to l'Hotel de Ville via the Louvre and the Tuilleries. The hotel is quiet (it's off-street, on a tiny courtyard) and very very clean. As of last winter they had begun re-doing all the bathrooms, so now they have glass doored shower stalls, not just a hose with a spray head in the tub. Highly recommended.

Posted by
1976 posts

After your helpful replies and much research, we've taken the advice of a poster and decided to split our time in Paris in 2 different hotels. We picked the Hotel Cluny Sorbonne for the first 4 nights and the Hotel Londres Eiffel for the last 4. After our trip I'll post our hotel experiences and a description of the overall trip on here. Thanks to everyone for your help!

Posted by
805 posts

We stayed at the Hotel Home Latin in the 5th near the 6th. Nice room with bath, breakfast extra for 113 eruos. We also liked the location being on a side street. It is easy wlaking distance to the Pantheon, Luxembourg Gardens, Notre Dame etc. There are a lot of places to choose from if you go to or