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Overnight in Amsterdam

We are family of 5. Best place to stay, just going to see Ann Frank House then fly out to London.

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2023 posts

I have not personally stayed at this B&B but it gets great reviews on other travel boards. It is called Maes B&B. The photos posted look good and it appears to be worth considering and reasonable in price.

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192 posts

If you possibly can, see the Anne Frank House after supper, about 7ish--far fewer people in line at that time of day. Next best, go first thing in the morning.
Take kleenex and be prepared for deep emotions. Be sure everybody reads The Diary before you go; the museum will mean a lot more. It's quite an experience!

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12172 posts

Our family of 5 stayed at the Vondelpark hostel in Amsterdam. They have rooms with six beds and were supposed to give us one of those rooms and only put someone else in if they were full. When we went to the room, however, there was already someone there so we had a guest.

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347 posts

Brad, my wife would kill me..LOL
I think we will just have to start thinking about spending more than we planed.

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525 posts

So pay for the 6th bed and you would have the "dorm" room all to yourself. Book the room for 6 - oops. The last one decided not to come. Just a thought. Or just book the whole room without a peep.