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Our family will move to Southern Spain for three years this March 2009

Myself, husband and two elementary school kids will live in Rota, Spain for three years. We all love to travel but I need to know what and where are the MUST SEES in Europe and the Med.with or with out kids in tow?? Espeically for long weekend get-aways. Thanks.

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331 posts

I know it's not the same thing, but my husband and I lived in La Linea, in Cadiz Spain for about 6 months many years ago. There are tons of places to go and Lots of things to see. With 3 years, you will be able to see so much.

Gibraltar is right there, and walking across the runway to get to " Irish Town " with its shops and restaurants is pretty cool. Morocco is a relatively short boat trip and would be great for a few days. We celebrated my husbands birthday by going to Portugal for a long weekend. The sky is the Limit. Grab a few guide books and go Everywhere.

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1358 posts

I would do my own research if I were you. Only you know what will be of interest to you.

Get a map and find the towns nearby which you want to see. Then search google listing the town name and "sights" or "attractions". Make a list of the things you want to see when you get to that town.

If you don't have a map you can search on the web by asking for a map of the area you are interested in.

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15 posts

Oh, you are so lucky!! My husband is Navy too and we would love to get orders to Rota. I have friends that were stationed there and they absolutely loved it. Travel everywhere! Don't forget you'll be able to take ITT tours at great rates.

Also, there's a book called "Forty Day Trips from Rota: Easy Adventures in Southern Spain." You can buy it on Amazon or Barnes and Noble online.

Good luck!! I'm SO jealous!!!!