Hello all,
I'm planning a trip in September that includes a weekend in Paris. We arrive at CDG on Saturday morning about 9am and leave the following Monday around noon. Given the short time, I would like to know what transportation would best work for the most exposure.
At this point, I'm leaning toward the Open Tour + Batobus (2-day), but I have never been to Paris, and am not sure if this will be as efficient as it seems.
The other obvious choice would be the Paris Visite, but it doesn't appear to include any boat tour or transport; I want to be sure to include that in some way. Which brings me to the second question:
Is the difference between batobus and bateaux mouche significant enough to warrant the latter?
This will be my husband's first European experience, and I want to make the most of it.
We are staying near the Eiffel Tower (about a mile away), if it helps.
Thanks in advance for all your advice! :)