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Old carte orange

I have a Carte Orange from about 15 years ago when I lived in Paris. It seems from the web images that they haven't changed. I look older in my photo but otherwise the same. Does anyone know if there is any reason this would not work any more? Also, quick ques: can children get Cartes Orange? Or is it more economical to get the 1/2 price kid carnet? Didn't have kids back then!

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213 posts

We just bought these in May and I can tell you that my 12 year old paid full price for the C.O. You'll have to decide how many trips you think you'll take a day and weigh the C.O. against the child's Carnet. I don't think it saves you any money to bring your old photo card as my understanding is that when you buy the ticket it comes with the photo card. I had an old one too and chose not to bring it and was glad I didn't as our first day on the Metro 4 police came on our car and asked to see everyone's tickets/photos. Although my photo from only 5 years prior wasn't that different, my hair style/length was reason to raise questions for the 1 min. it took me to put my new photo card together. Also, I was told here I'd have to buy the new Navigo card (5 Euros more) as well, but when I got to the station (Invalides) he told me that the Navigo is just for residents so all I needed was the old C.O.

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8700 posts

Rebecca, if the old Carte Orange worked for Nancy, it should work for you. However, you need to know that RATP is phasing out the old CO and each month fewer stations carry them. The new passe Navigo is for residents and the new passe Navigo Decouverte is for visitors.

Your kids will probably do best with 1/2 price carnets for weekdays and Tickets Jeunes for Saturday and Sunday.

For a list of all your ticket and pass choices with links to detailed explanations of each one, go here.

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32 posts

You all have been great! Thanks for the replies. I'll bring my card and do the kid carnet b/c I suspect I'll be doing more on my own. Also will inquire about Navigo. Great advice from you both!